I'm Officially A Werewolf

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In all my life, I've never felt anything as bad as this. It was like I was being crushed. Through the crowd of people standing around me helping with the pain a bit, I saw Brylee.

He seemed to be hurting just as much as I was. Since Brylee was a werewolf and he bit me that must mean that I'm a werewolf too. What was I gonna tell my mom when she saw me turn into a monster. Would she still love me?

Suddenly my hole body seemed to just go limp. White and grey fur sprouted from every inch of my body. My hands started to form into large paws.

Everyone around me backed away as I stood up. I really was a werewolf. I had transformed into something that came from a nightmare. I was truly a monster.

"Take her outside!" a tall muscular guy yelled to Brylee. The two of them resembled each other. Were they brother.

Follow me Piper, Brylee's voice echoed in my head.

I tried to move my mouth to form words but the only thing that came out was a low growl.

You can't speak words in this form. Use your mind, Brylee's voice echoed in my mind again.

I thought it was ridiculous but all of this was really.

I can't do this! I finally blurted. I sprinted toward the front door almost knocking Brylee over. I ran right through the door and didn't stop.

Piper, stop! It's okay! Brylee yelled behind me.

I need to think! I yelled.

Good, we can think together, Brylee said as a huge dark brown and white wolf ran up along beside of me. The wolf had Brylee's scent.

Brylee? I asked confused.

Yeah? he answered.

This is amazing, I finally said.

You haven't seen anything yet, he said running so close to me that are fur touched.


After running through the woods for a couple of hours Brylee talked me through shifting back. Luckily Brylee had brought some close with him. He gave me his shirt, which fit me like a short dress. At least if I had to be almost naked in front of someone, it was him.

"Are there a such thing as vampires?" I asked. "Yes. One of the covens are staying with us until this all blows over. Cyrus is in that coven," Brylee explained.

"Cyrus is a vampire. That explains why he's so pale," I said making Brylee laugh a bit. "He'll probably want to talk to you once he gets here," Brylee told me. "You said that they were staying here until this all blows over. What do you mean?" I asked.

"A vampire named Daxis is trying to kill me and my brother to get back at my dad," he explained. "What did your dad do?" I asked. "Lets just say he didn't like vampires that much," he answered. "How much could one vampire do?" I asked. "He's got most of the covens on his side and by now he's probably got the help of are rival pack. He also figured out a way to create a hybrid," Brylee explained. "You mean a vampire werewolf," I said. Brylee nodded.

"You sound like you know how dangerous those things are," I told him. "I fought one of them a few days ago. That day that me and Cyrus both were out of school. That's what we were doing, fighting," Brylee explained as a bad smell caught my nose.

"What is that smell?" I asked. "That's Cyrus. I guess he wants to talk to you," Brylee said standing up.

Just as the words escaped his lips, a tall pale figure appeared out of nowhere. It was Cyrus Kelly and he didn't look to thrilled to see me and Brylee together.

"What are you doing here, Cyrus?" Brylee asked him. "I'm not here to see you," Cyrus snapped at him. "How are you feeling?" Cyrus asked walking over to me. "I'm fine, just a little swore, that's all," I explained just as Brylee suddenly stepped between us.

"You can talk to her more once she's got some clothes on," Brylee said as a sound something close to a growl rose from his throat. "I don't mind," Cyrus said. "I wasn't recommending that!" Brylee snapped pushing Cyrus backwards.

"Brylee stop it!" I yelled making him turn around to me. "He's doing it on purpose!" Brylee said. "If you ignored it, he'd probably stop it. You should try to be the bigger person," I said.

"Have you talked to Brylee's...friend," Cyrus asked. "I will...real soon. Why are you so interested?" I asked him. Cyrus didn't answer. "We should get back. I don't want to get attacked with you with me," Brylee said.

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