They Call Me Piper

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I was forced to move down here when my ex-boyfriend threatened to kill me and my family. He didn't used to be so abusive. Once his mother died he just lost it. My dad would have killed him but he and my mom weren't living together and I didn't want to tell him.

"Do you know my number in case you need something?" Mom asked Brayden as we pulled up at his school. He's in the fourth grade.

"Of course I do," he said as I turned around to see him. Brayden has short dark hair, dark brown skin and brown eyes.

He's really smart so I think he takes after mom. I'm not saying I'm not smart, I'm just saying that he's a lot smarter than I was at that age.

"If anyone messes with you don't hesitate to break their nose," I told him.

"Okay," he said climbing out of the car.

"Why'd you tell him that?" mom asked as I met her eyes.

She had short brown hair, light brown skin and hazel eyes. She looks a hole lot younger than she really is.

"He has to be ready to defend himself," I said as mom pulled out of the parking lot.

"I know but don't encourage him to fight," she told me.

"He has to be ready. Any minute he could have to fight. Kids are really mean," I said pulling down the sun visor mirror.

I saw a pretty light brown girl that looked to be around seventeen years old. She had long dark brown hair that hung over her shoulder in curly waves. She had honey brown eyes and she was skinny. I was pretty but nothing like mom. She had brains and the looks.

"I wish that I looked more like you," I said after about ten minutes of silence.

"Why, you're pretty?" mom asked.

"I know but I'm nothing like you," I told her.

"I wish I looked like you," mom said bringing a smile to my face.

"I guess I'll see you later," I told her as we pulled up in front of school.

"Piper. Things will get better. For right now just don't worry about boys," she told me.

"I love you," I said shutting the door behind me as I got out of the car.

After I got inside of the school I started walking around trying to find the front office. Just as I turned down a hallway I collided with someone knocking their books out of their hands.

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" I said bending over to get their stuff for them.

"It was an accident. Don't apologize," the guy said standing over me. After gathering all of his books and papers I stood up to face him.

He was obviously cute. His curly dark brown hair was faded on the sides, he had medium brown skin and light brown eyes. He was really lean and muscular like a football player might have been. I couldn't help but stare at him. There was a sort of gravitational pull coming from him. He looked like he could have been a modal.

"Are you new here," he asked me to break the awkward silence.

"Yes. I just moved down here two days ago," I said blushing.

"Do you need help finding your class?" he asked.

"Actually I need help finding the front office," I said.

"You passed it. It's the first door on your left when you walk into the school," he said.

"Thank-you," I told him feeling embarrassed.

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