At Least Give Me An Explanation

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Yesterday was the second day that Brylee wasn't at school. I hate to say it but I didn't want today to be the third. I did really like him, I just didn't want to be in a relationship right now. Maybe after we've gotten to know each other we'll be ready to take the next step.

As I walked into fist period I was happy to see that Cyrus was at least there. He looked like he had been in a fight. Hopefully Brylee didn't have anything to do with it.

"Oh my God! Did Brylee do that do you?!" I asked. "Hell no. What makes you think that?" Cyrus asked laughing. "Well for starters, the two of you looked at each other like you hated each other and the second reason is because both of you were out on the same days," I explained. "I see where you could have thought that. I don't hate him, we just aren't friends," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Let's just say we have an understanding," Cyrus answered. "Do you know if he's okay?" I asked. "I guess he's okay. He's here," Cyrus told me. After hearing that I almost screamed for joy.


After I got to third period I spotted Kate waiting for me. "Did you see Cyrus's face?" I asked her. "No, why?" she asked confused. "He's all bruised and scrapped," I said. "He is a boy. Boy's get hurt," she answered. "I guess. Have you seen Brylee today?" I asked. "Yeah. I saw him and Hagan walking into the school together. I think they both had scratches here and there but Brylee looked like he was in bad shape," she answered. "Really?!" I asked not wanting to believe a word. "Yeah, you'll see at lunch.


I decided to skip getting food today. I was too shaken up after hearing about Brylee being hurt to eat anything. As I scanned around looking for anything that looked like Brylee, I started to get worried when I didn't see him.

"When are you gonna stop already? Brylee obviously doesn't like you. If he did, he would have made a move on you by now," Sophia said coming over from her table. "What's your problem? Don't you have something you need to do?" I asked her. "Yeah, like finding a new boyfriend," Kate added. "If I want you to talk I'll give you permission," Sophia snapped at Kate. "Don't talk to her like that! She's not an animal!" I blurted. "Could have fooled me," Sophia said.

"That's enough!" Cyrus said getting between me and Sophia. "Get out of here!" Sophia yelled. "I'm not gonna let you talk to them this way," Cyrus told her. "You're just as fucked up as they are. Your pathetic, just like her!" Sophia yelled pointing at me.

"SHUT UP!!!" someone roared breaking through the crowd of people that surrounded us. It was Brylee. "I've tried not to get involved but you give me no other choice! I'm sick and tired of you talking to her like she's not a human being! We are nothing, we will never ever be anything again. It's about time you got that through your stupid head. Apologise to her," Brylee demanded.

It felt good that Brylee had come to my rescue, not that I couldn't have handled the situation on my own.

Sophia just stood there, quietly. "I'm waiting," Brylee said. "I'm.....sorry," Sophia said in a shaky voice. "For?" Brylee said. "For being a bitch," she finally finished. "Good. You won't mess with her again, right?" Brylee asked. Sophia nodded. "I guess we're done here," Brylee said and walked away.

Not thinking, I went after him. It seemed like Brylee new that I was behind him because he led me outside to the bleachers that looked out over the football field.

Brylee sat down and faced me. "Why'd you do that for me?" I asked him. "I promised to talk to her, so I did," he answered. "Why are you so nice to me?" I asked. "Because I really like you. I feel....Never mind, it's stupid," he said. "Tell me. Please," I begged sitting right beside of him.

I felt at peace sitting here alone with him. I felt safe, like he wouldn't let anything hurt me. No matter what it was.

"I feel like we were meant to be together forever. I know it's weird, I just feel like I need you to be completely whole," he explained. "That's not weird. It's beautiful. No one's ever said anything like that to me," I confessed. "If you were mine, I'd tell you things like that every day," he said Lowering his face to mine.

"I'm not ready for that yet. I've had bad experience," I said backing away just slightly. "What kind of bad experience?" he asked getting concerned. "I'm not ready to talk about it," I said. "That's okay. You talk whenever your ready," he said giving me some space.

"Where were you the last couple days?" I asked him. "Out of town," he answered. "What were you doing out of town?" I asked. "Nothing," he said getting defensive. "Then how did you get those scrapes?" I asked rubbing a spot on his face. "I'll tell you once you're ready to hear it," he said. "That's not fair! If we're gonna make this is gonna work you have to be honest with me," I said. "When you're really, I'll tell you everything," he said.

"You don't hit girls do you?" I asked. "What?!" Brylee asked confused. "Never mind," I said. "Do you wanna go somewhere?" he asked. "Sure."

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