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After finally getting to kiss my mate, it made me feel peaceful for the first time in two days. Unfortunately the kiss wasn't strong enough to finish healing the gash that went across my stomach.

In most cases, a werewolf could heal the worst possible wound a human could have within hours but for some reason I couldn't heal this minor cut. It was probably because it was a hybrid that gave the cut to me.

I don't even know how Daxis created the hybrid. If he did it once couldn't he do it again? We would have to be very careful here on out. Even though Daxis lost the last fight, I wouldn't get too happy. If I know Daxis and I do, he'll be wanting revenge.

He's probably the one that's been trying to kill me and Lucien. Either way, he'd better not even talk to Piper. If he does I'd hunt him down endlessly until I caught up to him and ripped out his heart. And that goes for anyone, man or woman enough to take her from me.

As we walked toward the school entrance Piper grabbed me by the hand. "I'll see you after school then," I said turning to face her. "What about Sophia?" Piper asked. "I wouldn't worry about her. She's not gonna say anything else to you," I assured her. "If you say so," she said giving me a peck on the lips. "I'll see you after school," I said. "I better," she said walking away. After watching Piper walk inside of the school, I headed toward the track for P.E.

Me and Hagan have that class together. I couldn't help but feel like I was lying to Piper. I had her but she still didn't know what I really was. If I told her would she be able to keep me and my race a secret? Would she run from me like I was a monster? Would she reject me as her mate?

I tried not to think about that last part. If Piper were to reject me, I probably wouldn't ever heal from that. I'd be a big depressed, useless lump of nothingness. I started to get sad at the thought.

What's wrong? Hagan asked as I spotted him and the rest of my class running around the track. Wolves in the same pack can also sense each other's feelings and pain.

Nothing, I was just thinking of someone, I told him as I jogged over to him. Being werewolves makes Hagan and I the fastest ones on the track.

How did it go with Piper? he asked just as I got over to him. Even though we're in human form, we tend to still talk telepathically. It keeps the humans out of are business.

She kissed me, I told him as we sped up to a fast jog.

That's good news, at least you know that she does like you, he told me.

I have to tell her what we are, I said as we started to sprint.

What do you think that she'll do? Hagan asked me as everyone headed back inside of the gym.

I don't know but I can't keep that from her. I feel like I'm lying to her, I explained to him as we followed the others back inside.

Are you gonna talk to Lucien first? Hagan asked.

He'll just try to talk me out of it. I'll tell him after, I said.

I guess it won't really matter after you change her, he said and we walked inside.

I don't think I'm going to. I don't want to hurt her like that. You know how much pain we go through in are first shift, I said glancing over at him.

But then she'll be able to come to the pack camp, Hagan said.

True but I'm gonna let that be my last resort, I explained.

I guess you know what's best, she is your mate, he said.


After school, I waited for Piper to come out. "We should get back. You know Lucien has us training with the other packs. He's not gonna like it if we're late," Hagan said getting into his motorcycle. "Don't wait for me. I'll be fine," I said. "You sure?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll be just fine. I'll see you when I get back," I told him as I spotted Piper coming out of the school. "Alright," he said cutting the bike on and fist bumping me.

"I told you that you'd see me after school," I told Piper as she came over. "I believed you, I just wanted to make sure that you didn't leave before we got to talk," she said as her phone buzzed.

"Sophia didn't say anything else to you did she?" I asked. "No. She barely even looked at me," she answered as she checked her phone.

"Can you take me home? My mom just texted me and she said that my little brother had gotten into trouble. She can't come get me," Piper said. "Of course I can," I told her opening up the passenger side door for her. "Thanks," she said hesitating. After she got into the car I shut the door for her.

As I walked around to the other side, I spotted Sophia and her friends staring in my direction. "Dominic never did things like that for me," she said as I got into the car. "Don't do that," I said. "Don't do what?" she asked. "Don't compare me to....him," I said bitterly. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just that you two are night and day. It amazes me" she said. "Just don't talk about him. Please," I begged.


"We're almost there," Piper said. "What's your brother's name?" I asked. "Brayden," she answered. "That's a cool name," I said. "Yeah, my mom named him after my grandpa," she said. "Is he still-" I was cut off as we were hit hard from the side making the car flip.

A glass shattering scream escaped from Piper's mouth as the car flew into the air. I was flung left and right. My head hit the steering wheel making me dizzy. If I had of been human, this crash would have instantly killed me. It's a good thing that I was a werewolf then.

As the car flipped over one last time, my eyes fell upon Piper's limp body. She was hunched over and noiseless. I could hear her faint heart struggling to keep a beat. She probably did have much time before the life left her.

Acting on adrenaline, I tore off my seat belt and kicked open the car door. I rushed over to the other side of the car and ripped off the door. After getting the seat belt off of Piper I gently picked her up out of the car and carried her out of the street.

I examined her body and felt a cold chill crawl up my back. She had a piece of medal sticking out of her side. There was blood everywhere. I know that I was waiting to change her for another time but if I didn't do it know, she would definitely die. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. "I'm gonna make it better," I told her as I got ready to do something that would change her life forever.

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