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"OH MY GOD ALEX WAKE UP!!" is that Brendon?

"I'm up Bren what's up?"


"OH OKAY OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" I'm not prepared



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Me and Brendon were matching

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Me and Brendon were matching.

It was time to go so we drove off.

~~~after the concert shiz~~~~

"I can't believe I'm about to meet them!" I say rather loudly.

"Me either!" Brendon replies.

~~~their turn~~~

"Hi I'm Alex." I say shyly.

"Hey Alex. How are you?" Gerard says.

"I-im good." I stutter.

"Hey guys I'm Brendon."  He says.

"What's up dude." Frank says.

I give them my tie so they can sign it.

"Hey this is gonna sound weird but uh it was my birthday yesterday and this is my present. I also got a tattoo gun and I was wondering if after the signing if you guys could come to the parking lot and tattoo your autographs on my back." I say. Ready to be counted as a creepy fan.

"That would be rad." Frank said.

I thank them and hug them. Which was very awkward with ray and Mikey being as I'm 5'4.

~~~parking lot~~

"Hey Alex." Mikey says.

"What's up Brendon." Ray says.

I prepare the gun and everything and let them tattoo me.

"Thanks for this guys." I say.

"Make sure to tweet the picture and tag us and we'll follow you." Gerard says.

Sadly we all had to go.

I felt something in my shirt where my pants start. I pull it out and see MCR's numbers on it.

"Bro this is Rad." I tell Brendon and show him.

"Thats sick." He says.

I text them and tell them its me. Clearly they asked for proof so I facetimed them.

"Oh hey it really is her." Mikey says.

"Nah its a cow from Texas." I say sarcastically then laugh.

Everyone laughs.

This is just a short filler chapter. Sorry for never updating.

you always were my favorite (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now