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Fucking hell.

"Alex wake your ass up." Dannie is so lovely in the mornings.

There was a slight knock on the door.

"Hey alex its bren I wanna get a tattoo after school."

Before he could walk away I slammed my clothes on.

"Sounds great. By the way we are all wearing all black today." He look confused.

"Why?" Ugh.

"Because I want the knives and pens music video aesthetic duh." I'm band trash #1.(*Dan's voice* I'm Phil trash #1).

"Um I guess I'll change then." He laughs slightly.

(A/n I'm too lazy for school shiz.)

We were at the tattoo shop and bren was picking out his tattoo.

"I want these piano keys. I've wanted them for a while now." Yet you didnt want a tattoo yesterday. What. The. Fuck. Brendon.

"Nice choice." The worker said.

"Bren are you ready?" He nods in reply.


"OH MY GOD BREN I LOVE IT!" I told him referring to his new tattoo.

"Thanks Lex. I like it too."

We were having small talk while
As we were walking to the car.

"Hey so I heard its yours and Rain's birthday In a few days." Greeeat. Note the sarcasm.

"Yeah. I'm not that excited its just another day." I sigh.

"Well its bout to be a great day because me and Dalpal have made plans for you too." Heh.

"Bren you di-"

"Shut up yes I did you are my best friend." Friend. FRIEND. Did I just get friend zoned. Wait. I dont even like him like that.

"But Bren." god help me.

"No buts." Kill me please

"Anyway to change this subject. We are graduating in two weeks.(A/N Weekes heh heh) How crazy is that." I wanna die right now.

"I know right."

We finally got home and saw Rain and Dallon making out on the couch.

"Fucking hell dudes get a room aka not our god damn couch you dick heads!" I'm screaming and laughing.

"Yeah we eat dinner there." God bren is so pure I'm shook right now.

"Ugh fuck you guys. You always gotta cock block me dont you Al." Rain say while laughing.

Dallon just sat there red as fuck.

Dannie was at her boyfriends house because it was Friday so I get the room to myself. Yay.

"Dude what the fuck warning next time you have a naked lady in our bed Christ." I hear bren yell.

"Hey Lex since you have bunk beds can I stay in here?" Le sigh.

"Yeah Brenny." heh.

"Hey Alex do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah sure why not."

We started watching watching batman and I fell asleep.

A/N Hey loves I'm still alive. Just got writers block. So send me some suggestions and I'll credit you and such.

you always were my favorite (Brendon Urie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora