"I m sick of this. No one is telling me anything. Why? What is everyone hiding? Tell me,"

"You are going to find out sooner or later... your brother, he's dead." 

I stand frozen for a second,

"No he is not, why would you joke about that?" I say,

"He is."

"No he is not, thanks for the humor, I'm leaving."

"Elena. What did your brother say before he 'left'?" 

"Well... goodbye?" 

"The storm wasn't the reason, your brother was out in the storm looking for you, something happened and he crashed to the ground,"

"I'm not listening to this,"

"How do you not remember?! I picked you up from there, you didn't say a word,"

"...my sister, don't forget that...no matter what. I am never gone,"

I freeze.

What...no, it can't be. I grab on to my necklace where the polished black stone rests, this stone... is from.

No. I don't believe it, I refuse to believe it.

"You may not remember me, but I know more about you then you know about yourself. Your aunt, she has... done something, she has changed you. I don't know how, or why but-"

"Stop! Just stop. I know... something is going on behind the scenes, and I need to find out why and what." 

I walk down the stairs and back into the corridor.

Whoever is pulling the string, I swear they will regret it.

The day quickly finishes, I begin to walk outside the building, but stop.

I can't go back. To my aunt. I don't know why.

"Elena? You are still here, I thought you would be first out the door," Ashton walks up behind me as I stare outside the door, my feet inches from leaving.

"Are you leaving?" He asks,

"I can't" I blurt.

"Can't? Why not?"

"I don't know. My feet, refuse to move." I explain. My legs tremble, and I don't know why.

Was it the vision?

"Are you okay..?" He then asks,

"I'm... fine. Just... a little..." I begin to feel light headed, "Tired..." I fall and then nothing. 

"You are not safe here-"

I wake up as fast as I can.

"Woah, woah," I look up to see Ashton, I am being carried by him.

"What are you doing?" I ask,

"Well you fainted, so I carried you."

"oh...Where?" I ask,

"Your aunt's plac-"

"No." I say, 


"Take me anywhere but there... I don't trust her anymore," I say as I am still carried in his arms,

"Good," He adds.

"Good?" I question,

"I was actually going to stop at my dorm before we moved to your house, so we will just stop there,"

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