3 ~ Daisy & Getting to Know You

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'They had a lunch room?' I walked over to a seat next to a girl with dirty blonde hair. "Hey." I said as I sat down. "Oh, uh hi." She covered her face, and I could tell she was scared, but weren't we all? "You okay?" I touched her shoulder. "Of course not." She looked up and smiled. "Here." Ozzy sat down next to me and handed me a bowl of soup. I looked at him and turned back to the girl. "What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Daisy, and you?" "Sadie." She nervously smiled and started eating, and I did the same along with Ozzy. "This is disgusting." I turned around and spit on the floor. "Hey, hey, hey don't do that. Your lucky Robert didn't see you." I groaned, "Do you know what time it is?" "5:00 why?" Ozzy looked puzzled. "Because I wanna know what time it is." I looked at him with big eyes and he smiled then continued to eat. I looked to my right and saw Daisy shoving the soup down her throat. "How can you eat that?" I had a disgusted look on my face. "Oh I'm starving this is the first time I'm eating all day. Isnt it the same with you?" I looked up and moved my eyebrows, "No, I just got here today." Daisy looked at me with her mouth open and a tear falling from her face. "I got here 2 days ago." I looked over at Ozzy, "I thought he kidnapped everyone on the same day?" "Nope." He said in between chews. "Eat your food." I didn't really trust the food Robert was handing out, but if Ozzy was eating and he was still alive, I decided it'd be best for me to do the same. "So how old are you?" I looked at both Daisy and Ozzy, and waited for one of them to answer. "I just turned 18 last week." Daisy said as she turned to me. "20." Ozzy answered as he slurped up his soup. "Cool," I said to both of them, "I'm 18 too." Ozzy turned to me and smiled. 'Was this going to be our relationship? Always smiling at each other? Does he do this to all of his trainees?' Questions kept racing in my mind as I smiled back at him, then at Daisy. "I love your hair." I said as i put my hand through her hair, "it's so soft." I smirked, as I was trying to think of more conversation starters. "Thanks." She chuckled a little. "What do we do after eating?" I asked Ozzy. "Relax." He answered.

I was happy that eating time was over because I didn't have to pretend to like the food they were handing out anymore. I went back to my room with Ozzy and sat down on the bed. I turned around to see a window just above the bed, and looked through it. "People are training." I looked at Ozzy. "I know." He said as he lay down on the bed. "So why aren't we?" I was confused. "Because I don't want to right now, Sadie just relax." 'Relax? No! I'm not going to relax when pretty soon I'm gonna have to fight for my life.' I jumped off the bed and ran outside. "Hey! Sadie get back here!" Ozzy screamed as he chased after me. I got into the net and started kicking the ball as fast as I could, "Time me!" I said as loud as I could, and he started the timer.

I got off the net once I was done going around 15 times, "How was that?" I asked, panting. "Good job, 11.4 seconds, now get inside." He pointed his finger towards the door. "No," I shook my head, "Why would I go inside when I'm gonna fight for my life at any given moment? I'm going to be training everyday, all day so if you don't wanna help me then you can go inside." I mocked him as I pointed my finger towards the door. He went inside, and I was sort of surprised. I kinda wanted him to stay.
I ran a few laps and trained with the ball for about an hour until Ozzy finally came back out, "Sadie, please come inside it's your first day, and your working to hard." I kicked the ball and then turned to him, "And your not working at all." I ran to the ball and brought it back to him. "Lets go." He said. Unfortunately, I was pretty tired so I followed him inside.
I lay down on the bed, and he did the same. I felt pretty uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything. The bed was metal so sleeping on this really wasn't going to make my training any better. "Are you sleeping in here?" I asked, and I moved my body to face him. "Yes, it's my room." I was confused, "I've been sleeping in here for the past 2 years." He said as he moved closer to me. I rolled back around to where I couldn't see his face, "Time?" I asked. "8:05." He answered. I sat up, "I was training for 2 and a half hours?!" He sat up too, "Yep."
We lay back down and I looked at the ceiling for a few minutes, "What time do we go to bed?" He took a deep breathe and answered, "well we have to be in our rooms by 8:15, but I'm guessing whenever we want?" He turned around to me, and I smiled at the ceiling then turned to him, "Wanna play eye spy to kill some time?"

We played for hours. Actually I don't even think we played half the time we were up. We laughed so loud I'm surprised Robert never came in to check on us. After that night we became really good friends, and he basically knows everything about me now. We went to bed at around 1:30 in the morning, and I was pretty happy with myself that night.

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