Family Matters

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While my dream had been short and devoid of any real information I woke up shaking. I'd forgotten how terrifying a presence he was. Even in my dreams, he felt ancient, powerful, and dangerous. I padded downstairs to find my dad cooking breakfast in the kitchen. I laughed at his kiss the cook apron and the mess he had made in his attempt to make pancakes. "Where's Greyson?" I asked taking a seat at the vast kitchen island.

"And good morning to you" he laughed back clearly amused. "You know despite all appearances to the contrary Greyson doesn't actually live here. Now does your old dad get a kiss from his favorite daughter" he asked pointing to his apron. Laughing I got up standing on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey Mr. B," Greyson said walking casually through our front door.

"Greyson I thought we talked about some boundaries. Brittney is still seventeen after all" my father grumbled. I smiled surprised at how touched I was that he was looking out for me. I'd never had anyone besides Brandon looking out for me simply because they cared without any hidden agenda.

"You said I couldn't come over before 10 and I had to be out of the house by one in the morning unless otherwise specified " he reported dutifully "it's 11:01 now sir".

My father looked at the clock surprised "Fine, but I know how young Weres get when they first start spending time with their mates and I don't want you to fall into that pattern of just spending time locked up in private together." My father worried "Brittney I think you should get out and spend some time with the other Weres your age". He put a large stack of pancakes on my plate "And you have to finish all your food before you can go anywhere".

I shrugged "Ok you're the boss" and tucked into my pancakes.

"Oh isn't this the part where you're supposed to fight me and tell me that you're an adult who can make your own decisions. Then I have to be firm and put my foot down and use some cliche line about how it's my house and then you storm off, but we make up later?" My father asked confused "That's what all the parenting books I've read said is supposed to happen. I had a whole speech planned". I laughed at his crestfallen face.

"But dad," I said in a fake whine.

His face instantly brightened "Now you're my daughter and it's my house which means my rules. I know you think Greyson is the cat's meow, but you're young and should take your time getting used to this and that's final". He tried to keep a stern look on his face, but he couldn't help but look pleased with himself.

I gave an exaggerated roll of my eyes while munching on his pancakes and my dad said excitedly "See the book said that every eye roll means you're doing something right".

"Why didn't you have any other kids?" I asked curiously. I'd wondered why he hadn't gotten married and had his own family by now. I was also curious about how someone like him had ended hooking up with Jamie-Lynn.

"Oh well, I guess I was always looking for the right woman to start a family with and I never found her than a couple of years ago I decided to go back and just make sure that none of the previous women I had been with had children as a result of our union. There hadn't been many, but I thought that the reason I might not be able to find the right woman was that I had a family that was already out there" he said carefully.

"Ok. It's just weird to think about you with Jamie-Lynn" I shrugged.

"You have to keep in mind I wasn't the same man I am today. Back then I was a young unmated alpha with the world at my feet. I acted carelessly and your mother was just so beautiful and delicate I couldn't stop myself from being with her. She thought seducing me was her ticket out of the trailer park and I didn't care. I left before she even woke up the next morning. I regret how carelessly I acted, but I am thankful to her for giving me you".

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