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The next morning my Pierre called me into his office. He had oked the mall trip and given me his credit card the night before after he confirmed it with Olivia's aunt and uncle. "Britney today I want you to stay with the girls today no wandering off by yourself." He handed me a new phone "If I call you have to pick up and I want you to text me when you get there and when you leave. And keep in mind that I can and will return any inappropriate clothing items". He took a breath before smiling "I'm glad you're making friends here. This isn't how I wanted to have a child, but I'm glad you're here".

I smiled back surprised at the how kind he was being. It almost felt like he was actually acting like a dad. Over dinner last night he had started to thaw from his earlier chilly demeanor. It seemed like he actually wanted to step up and be a good dad.

Outside Olivia was waiting in a cute Toyota Prius with Ada and Danielle in the back seat. We drove out of the community to an upscale mall a couple of miles away. I was kind of self-conscious that since I was still wearing the workout clothes I had been wearing when my father had shown up and everyone else was in cute outfits.

"Where to first," I asked and Olivia laughed and rolled her eyes and laughed as she pulled me into Dolce & Gabbana. "Oh I don't think this is a good idea. I just wanted to get jeans and some shirts" I said trying to back out.

"Oh come on let us give you a makeover" Ada pleaded giving me a pouty face.

"Fine" I groaned as they squealed pulling me in. They sent me to the dressing room as the each went off to pick out clothing. I was bombarded with coats skirts blouses and dresses.

"Is there anything not so tight?" I asked stepping out in yet another skin-tight dress.

"You have a great little figure" Olivia tsked "I'm not going to let you hid it".

We decided on a couple of jackets, a blouse, two skirts, and a pair of shorts before leaving the store. "Thanks for the help guys," I said grateful that while these clothes weren't really my style at least I wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb in the community.

"Oh, we're not even close to done sweetie" Olivia laughed taking my arm "We have to build you an entire wardrobe then we're going to the salon". We went to a dozen more stores each more expensive than the last and when we left it took all four of us to carry the bags. Olivia had been true to her word I had shoes, purses, jewelry, and makeup in addition to all of the clothes. Olivia had arranged for what we couldn't carry to be delivered to Pierre's house.

Since I wanted to get out of my old workout clothes I was now in a white long-sleeved blouse with high waisted olive green shorts and cute taupe pump. "I am so jealous that you can pull off heels" Danielle groaned.

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed "Even with five-inch heels I'm still way shorter than all of you. And if you want to wear heels you wear heels".

"But then were as tall as the guys" Ada looked longingly at my shoes.

"Who cares. You guys are gorgeous any of those guys would be lucky if you gave them the time of day. You guys are intimidatingly pretty" I admitted "I don't think I've ever been able to actually scare someone".

"We're all gorgeous" Olivia laughed "Now you are going to get a haircut and we're all getting blowouts".

Luckily they just trimmed and layered my hair without changing it too much. They ooed and awed over the color and how thick it was. When they were done I barely recognized myself. It was strange though because this is what I would have looked like all along if I had grown up with Pierre.

"Aww Britney you are absolutely gorgeous" Danielle cooed as we left the salon to get sashimi before heading back home.

"It's all thanks to you guys" I laughed "Even if you are kind of pushy".

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