Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies

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I sat back down crossing my legs trying to calm myself. If Greyson sensed too much anger from me coming through the bond then he might come looking for me. If he sensed any fear I knew he would come for me and this was my fight. It had always been my fight and it was time to finish it one way or another. I would not let anyone else get hurt because of me. Mournfully I thought about the wolves who had been forced to fight each other to the death because Bastien believed that they had dared to try and help me get away from Bastien even though they hadn't helped me. Victor had even returned despite what had happened to him to help return me to my family. Killing the person who had put him through those atrocities was the very least I could do for him.

I used spirit to calm myself, but not enough to go into a trance. I didn't want to leave myself defenseless when Bastien came and I knew he would be here soon. I didn't know if I could beat Bastien, but one thing I had in my favor would be that he wouldn't be aiming to kill. He still needed me and killing me might also kill him. I, on the other hand, would be looking for every opportunity to kill.

I'd chosen to stay on the beach so that we would be close to the water. It wasn't the easiest element for me to manipulate, but I would need all my elements for this. I had never seen Bastien fight, but I knew how the rest of the Silver Bloods fought and Bastien was the fiercest of them all. I had seen him rip a man in half and he wasn't nearly as angry then as he was now.

"Well well well," Bastien said from behind me. I stood slowly turning to face him. He stood a few paces away from me with a calm grin on his face, but I could feel a renewed fury surging through him. On some level, he really had cared about me in his own twisted way he had even loved me and felt betrayed. I thought about what Jax had told me about his past and I wanted to pity him, but couldn't find it in me. Plenty of people had traumatic childhoods and pain in their past. It didn't excuse what he had done and what he would continue to do if I didn't stop him.

"I suggest you stop this nonsense and come with me now before you make this any harder for yourself" He continued as if he was bored.

"No," I said firmly standing up straight "This ends now Bastien".

He laughed as if this was the funniest thing he had heard in a long time "Kitten do you really think you can beat me? You're maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. I easily kill people twice as large as you all the time".

"True, but you forget that there's no one quite like me" I smiled wickedly the wind whipping around me to prove my point. "And I'm not your kitten" I growled. Waves crashed against the shore in time with my heartbeat.

"If you make me fight you kitten I'll have to hurt you and I really don't want to hurt you," he said smiling wolfishly, "I like your pretty face the way it is".

I growled angrily. How was he still not taking me seriously? I silence him by using earth to pull him into the sand sucking him down a good foot before I stopped. The effort had made me tired, but not nearly as much as I expected. Still, I needed to conserve my energy and use it all at once in a flashy show of power.

"Brittney, stay back" Greyson called as he ran for us. I stood between him and Bastien horrified. How had this happened? I had tried to hard to keep Bastien from fighting Greyson. Bastien had easily beaten him last time and I wasn't going to take any chances.

"How dare you take what's mine" Grayson growled circling Bastien. I remembered this from my vision, but I didn't know how to stop it from coming true. I had tried so hard to make sure that it would be me fighting Bastien and not the other way around.

"She wasn't yours to take and you know that" Bastien responded laughing.

"I guess I'll just have to kill you to break the bond and claim her for myself" Grayson snarled.

"Stop it" I cried, but they just ignored me. This wasn't just a petty fight. They were going to kill each other if I didn't stop them. I ran between them.

"Move Brittney" Bastien growled he had managed to pull himself out of the

"No," I said planting my feet firmly.

"I've had enough of this" Grayson said pushing me out of his way with all of his strength. I flew back landing against a hard rock. I cried out in pain and felt a hot warm liquid bubble up to my lips as a metallic taste filled my mouth.

"What did you do," Bastien said angrily but rushed towards me cradling me in his arms as a cough racked my body. That was when I realized it was my blood that was now spilling out my mouth. I shivered growing cold despite the heat radiating from Bastien.

I opened my eyes to see that I had been carefully laid on the ground out of the way as Greyson and Bastien once again we're going at it. This time they were both in human form though. I guess this was too personal for their wolf forms.

White-hot anger seeped through me replacing the pain that radiated through me. "Enough" I bellowed though it didn't sound like my voice anymore. I stalked towards them unaware that my feet hovered slightly above the ground rather than hitting it with each step. I stalked towards Bastien as Greyson grabbed my arm.

"Release me," I said in the same sultry voice that sounded little like my own.

"What happened to you," he said wonderstruck. When he didn't release me I called on the wind to pick him up and fling him out of the way.

"Brittney you were dead. I felt the life leave your body," Bastien said in surprise "Your spine was snapped in two".

"Silence" I said in the same unearthly voice as before. I was done with this man before for me. I raised my hand and clenched my fingers into a fist. Bastien dropped to his knees clawing at his throat desperate for the oxygen of which I was depriving him. I tilted my head curiously at him. I could see every sin every atrocity that he had committed all the way up to Flint who he had just killed less than twenty-four hours ago. I could see the guilt on him tainting the air and I knew what I had to do. In that moment I was the judge, the jury, and the executioner and I had found him guilty. "Bastien, son of Lucien, of the old house LeGrand you have been found guilty of mass murder in an attempt to claim the title of king when you had no right and no claim. The penalty for such crimes is death".

I watched releasing Bastien for a moment just long enough to give him a chance to say his final words. "This isn't possible" he croaked "You're just a tale mothers tell their pups to scare them. I smile kindly leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead which left a silver imprint of my lips glowing where I had kissed him. At first, he smiled in blissful pleasure, but his expression soon turned to one of pain.

I watched bemused as Bastien pleaded with me like so many before him had. It was a fitting ending for the pretend king. Just as Bastien had shown no mercy for his victims he would receive none. I watched as the light left his eyes and he slumped to the ground.

As soon as the light had left Bastien's eyes whatever had been propelling me forward left leaving me hollow. I fell to the soft sand eyes open, but not seeing the destruction I'd left behind me. 


Authors Note: Hey guys hoped you like the new chapter! Thank you all so much for the support and for helping this story reach #127 in Werewolf! It's really incredible :) As always if you liked the chapter in this story please vote and comment! If you have any ideas that you think would be interesting please comment with them :) Shout outs to @Rabbit_x_Melody, @smudge5, and @eternal-luv! Thank you guys so much! As always for a chance at a shout out comment and vote :)

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