A Gilded Cage

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"So this is it" Mason said as we pulled up the long gravel driveway in a town car his country estate "This is where I stay most of the time, but I several different houses around the world".

"So what makes this your favorite?" I asked curiously as he helped me out of the car.

"It's where I grew up" He shrugged "I used to play in these gardens and it seems silly, but being here makes me feel almost human again".

"I don't think that's silly" I said taking his hand as we walked inside. I could imagine that after living for centuries it would be hard to feel human again so it would make sense that he would seek out places that did that.

He took my hand in his and I let him lead me up the winding stairs in his massive house. The interior of the house was a strange mixture of old world elegance mixed with modern sophistication. "I hope you don't mind, but I called ahead when you agreed to come stay with me and had a room set up for you and I sent some people out to get you some clothes and toiletries" He said sheepishly looking more like a twenty year old guy rather than a centuries old creature.

"Thank you" I smiled "I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something while I'm here".

He stiffened as if I had caught him off guard "What do you need my help for?".

"Well I don't know enough about this world that exists outside of the normal human one and if I am going to have a chance at surviving in it I need to know more. I need to know about where I come from and what I can do" I said nervously not wanting to talk about what had happened on the beach with bastien, but needing to know why it had happened. I had killed a man and I couldn't even remember doing it. "Part of the reason I agreed to come with you was that I hoped that you might be able to help me learn more about what I am and where I come from" I said nervously.

For a moment I thought I saw him stiffen, but I must have imagined it because in the next moment he was smiling warmly. "Of course I'll do anything I can to help" he said smoothly "Unfortunately I don't know much about that myself, but there might be something that can help you in my library. Sadly though the were's keep their secrets guarded from my kind, but there might be something in there that can help you".

I flushed in relief the uncertainty that I had felt fading away. Mason opened up a large wooden door at the end of the hall. "I had the servants prepare the west wing suite for you" he said gesturing to an elegant bedroom that had the strange mix of old world elegance and new world luxury that was found throughout the rest of the house.

"You didn't have to do this for me" I said embarrassed.

"It was no trouble" Mason waved away my protests "I want you to be comfortable here. I want you to be comfortable with me". He paused trying to gauge my reaction before saying "I'm sure you must be tired so I'll leave you. If you need anything I'll be in my study in the east wing".

I smiled at him realizing the gravity of the choice I had made. By choosing to come here with Mason I had basically chosen him over Greyson. While I couldn't be with Greyson anymore I hadn't meant to choose Mason. I didn't know enough about him or his motivations to make that choice. Still I needed to be here to try and figure out what had happened on that beach with Bastien and if the Weres knew then they weren't going to tell me so Mason was my best bet.

Feeling claustrophobic I wandered into the gardens outside the manor needing to feel the elements around me. After that night with Bastien I felt much more mercurial and found that the only way to feel grounded and in control was to be surrounded by the elements. I shed my shoes letting my feet sink into the cool grass instantly feeling better. The wind whiped playfully around me and I held out my hand so I could feel it dancing through my fingers.

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