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Ahhh! I squealed.  I can't believe mermaids exist!!!  And my brother was going to be one!  I'll miss him though... But surely he'll visit me at the sandy shore.  Soon after I noticed he let out a soft giggle.  A sudden blush spread quickly across my face.  His giggling is so adorable!  "Oh, sorry I never intr-introduced myself.  I'm James, J-James Madison"  he tells me.  

James.  What a wonderful name.  Such cute stuttering too. "I love your name!  I'm Thomas Jefferson," I gave a small smile.  Without noticing, I was staring at him all over.  So perfect...


Thomas.  "L-love you-your name too."  What the hell?  I almost said 'love you too.'  I'm so stupid.  I don't have a chance.  "Um.. So could you check on my brother?" Thomas says out of nowhere.  Of course, he'd want to see his brother!!  I can meet him too!  "Okay!  I'd love t-to meet h-h-him anyw-ways."  He gave me a 'thank you' look.  Splashing through the soft soothing water, I start to see two figures.  One of them looks like my brother, the other is unusual.  Must be his boyfriend!  "Hey James!" Hercules says to me.  I wave back at him. 

 After a while of chatting, I bring Lafayette back to the shore to reassure Thomas that his brother is okay.

Shorter chapter, I know.  Thanks for reading!!

Mermaid! Hamilton AUWhere stories live. Discover now