17 | Orders from Mr.Owens

Start from the beginning

-"What is it?" she asked curiously with.

"I'm pregnant" I said and eyed her carefully to see her reaction. She smiled at me and a look of surprise was written all over her face.

-"Oh wow that was the last thing I expected but congratulations. How far along are you?" she asked.

"17 Weeks and 3 days" I said proud that I even remembered the days.

-"What? How come I didn't see the bump? And why didn't you or Landon tell me earlier?" she asked quite offended that I haven't told her earlier.

"Well because Landon isn't the father" I said nervously and played with my fingers not daring to look her in the face. Here comes my old habit again.

-"What you cheated on him?" she yelled and a few people stared at us in confusion. Let the rumors start everybody. Thank you Evelyn.

"Stop yelling Evelyn and no I didn't. I was already pregnant when he asked me to be his girlfriend" I explained to her in a hushed voice so that no else could hear what we were talking about since a lot of head turned into our direction. Why are people always so damn interested in other people's lives? Like worry about your own business and not mine. 

-"Okay and who is the father of that child you're carrying?" she asked even more curious than before. I don't know how she's going to react to the news. I just hope she doesn't scream it out like she did before. That would be the death of me.

"Mr.Owens" I said and she looked at me with pure shock all over her face.

-"You're kidding right?" she asked and she almost sounded desperate. Like she didn't want to believe that I was carrying his child.

"No I'm afraid I'm not" I replied.

-"You slept with him? How could you do that?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Do you remember the party Mr.Owens invited us to? We were both drunk and I don't know it just happened" I shrugged. Then I looked at my watch and saw that I have to go back to my office because my break is almost over. I wish I would have had more time but because if my encounter with Anthony I didn't have that much time left.

"Look we can talk about this later but now I have to go" I said and stood up from my seat. When I stood up I saw Evelyn glancing at my belly with a weird expression. What the hell? Perfect now I didn't even had the time to eat something and I was seriously starving. I hate my life sometimes. 

When I was out of the cafeteria I looked back on more time and saw Evelyn discussing something with someone on the phone. She didn't look happy at all. Obviously I couldn't hear who she was talking to and what she was even talking about so I was going to ask her about it later. When I came back to my office I saw Anthony sitting on my chair. Was he seriously still here? As the boss doesn't he have other more important things to do than to sit in my office and wait for me?

"If you want to annoy me can you at least let me sit on the chair because my feet hurt" I said and he nodded while standing up. It's weird how I already got so used to him being in my presence and constantly annoying me. It didn't even surprise me anymore.

-"So will you tell me what was going when I asked you before you left?" he asked and sat down on my desk. He was very close. But hey I don't complain. Wait what?

"I already told you that. I simply felt dizzy that's normal it happens to me all the time" I said shaking it off.

- "How come you never told me?" he asked with a raised brow.

"I didn't think you'd be interested. Look I know you may be worried about the baby but everything is alright trust me" I said. 

-"I'm not just worried about the baby Ella. You matter a lot to me. Maybe more than you think" he said and but mumbled the last part. What did he mean by that? 

-"Ella I think it's better if you stop working. You're only stressing yourself out and you don't need to work because you and that baby will never have financial problems I'll make sure of that" he said and I looked at him as if he's from another planet.

"Didn't you listen to me? I told you I'm fine just a second ago Anthony. I don't want to stop working I like my job and I don't know what I should do when I'm home alone"

-"Okay let's do it like this. You work from home and I'm trying to come home as soon as I can okay?" he tried to argue but I shook my head.

"No I want to see my friends everyday and I can't do that when I'm not at work" I said but he just ignored me.

-"Ella I don't want you to come to work" he said starting to get angry.

"Fine then I'll stop. Luckily I have more time for Landon when I'm not working" I tried to provoke him and it seems to work. If there's one person Anthony hates the most it's Landon. I mean Landon has already find another company to work for but Anthony doesn't know that. Anthony stared at me in disbelieve and Anger.

-"I changed my mind you'll continue to work but when you're feeling dizzy again tell me okay?" he asked and I nodded trying hard not to smile because I won.

"Of course" I said and gave him a slight smile. Even if it my plan didn't work out I don't think I would have spend my free time with Landon. I didn't have much contact to him ever since he hit me. We haven't talked about what happened. He seemed to avoid that topic at all cost.

-"Did you already eat?" he said changing the topic.

"No I haven't had time" I shrugged and his eyes went wide.

-"Ella you can't skip meals" he said shocked and I groaned. Here we go again. 

"As I told you I haven't had time. I'm going to eat more for dinner" I said annoyed.

-"Come with me were going to a restaurant" he said a held out his hand for me telling me to come with him.

"I'm not that hungry" I said and looked at the papers on my desk. Obviously that was a lie. I was extremely hungry right now. I don't even know why I said that I wasn't. That was just plain stupid. Right in this moment my stomach growled and I heard Anthony chuckle.

-"Come on" he said and I sighed givingup. Actually me and the baby were looking forward to eat something. We left myoffice together and met Evelyn in the corridor. I smiled at her but she justlooked at Anthony with a hurt expression. Did I miss

One question for you guys. Do you think Anthony and Ella are going to have a boy or a girl?

 Do you think Anthony and Ella are going to have a boy or a girl?

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