The final goodbye

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Emily's pov
It has been three months since Hotch died,today was his funeral. I didn't want to get up this morning, i miss him. It seems like yesterday I was telling him I loved him. Garcia and JJ woke me up to get ready. Garcia picked out my dress and JJ did my hair and makeup. I also made a speech for today. I got dressed in a black dress that Hotch loved on me. I wore black flats because my back hurt from my pregnancy. I went downstairs to the door and got my purse and left. JJ drove to the funeral. We pulled out and I stared crying and Garcia rubbed my arm.

JJ's pov
The poor girl was in pain. All she wanted to do was cry. I remember her first case back, she was walking to the round table room,to get there she had to pass Hotch's office. She stopped and started to cry we had to send her home. It broke my heart to see Em cry like that she is always happy especially when Hotch was around. I drove and Garcia was trying to calm Emily down form hyperventilating. We got to the funeral and we sat there in the car for a while. It was just silence. Emily said it should have been her.

Emily's pov
It should have been me I said. The girls gave me this look that said why would you say that. A few minutes later we walked in. It was so nice my pregnancy hormones kicked in and I stared to cry. The girls asked me what was wrong I told them it was too beautiful. When it started I was the first one to speak. I told the story of when I was with Hotch and he was driving to a crime scene and we had music on and we were singing to the top of our lungs and we laughed at each other for hours, when we got to the crime scene the team looked at us and asked us what happened and we told them we sang like crazy loud and they laughed. I said he was super sweet and made me laugh and he was my soon to be husband and a soon to be father. I looked at the team and they were crying even Rossi. After I spoke other people went and his brother spoke too. After that we went outside to bury Hotch. I put down a rose and cried, the team also put some down too. Before I knew it, it was over I stayed and cried a lot and the team led me to the car. I remembered I had a doctors appointment for the baby, Garcia and JJ came. the doctor told me both babies were fine. I looked at the doctor and said wait what did you say babies. She said yep your having twins.

Surprised?now we are going to need two names!! Both boys and girls thanks for reading


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