This can't happen to me

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Emily's pov
As gunshots filled the air I tried to find Hotch but also thinking about what he asked me yesterday, I can't believe he asked me to marry him, of course I said yes.if anything happens I swear it was bad luck coming for me and it was coming to kick me in the butt.
I was watching my back as bullets flew through the cold night. I saw Hotch, I waved, I yelled out his name he saw me for a split second. But all too soon I screamed.

Hotch's pov
My god this is crazy all of these bullets flying everywhere all I want right now is to hold Emily in my arms and fall asleep.  I could hear her voice call out to me, I saw her waving at me to get over there . I was about to walk over , when all of the sudden I felt this sharp pain go through my chest. Everyone and everything was pitch black until I heard Emily crying I opened my eyes to see her long black hair blowing in the night wind. Her brown eyes connected with mine as I stared at her eyes then she told me to make her a promise, that promise I will always keep. For Emily, then everything in the ambulance went black but I could still hear Emily crying it broke my heart.

JJ's pov
I was walking to find Emily to tell her we got our unsubs but I couldn't find her. I yelled out her name, soon I could hear someone who sounded a lot like Emily so I followed the sound of the voice. It was Emily screaming for help she was by a body when I got up closer I covered my mouth with my hand and saw Hotch lying on the ground almost lifeless. "Oh god what happened". I asked."NO TIME TO ASK ME THAT NOW JJ CALL 911"Emily said. A few hours later we were at the hospital rushing Hotch in as fast as we could. When the doctors asked Emily to stay out she stood there and broke down in tears. I had to take her to the waiting room. Her face was pale and cold and her eyes were puffy from crying too much. 10 hours later the doctors come out." Friends and family of Aaron Hotchner.

That is all for now, sorry for the cliff hanger. I will be back soon

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