"You two are best friends Kara. Give her a few days and then go and see her. If Lena really cares about you, and I know she does, she will come around. Give her that chance, like you always have done." Alex whispered, soothing her sisters now shaking body.

Eventually, Kara fell asleep, her cheeks stained with dry tears. Alex kissed her forehead softly before reaching over and turning off the lamp beside the couch. Alex began to drift off as well, the two sisters completely forgetting about the pizza and potstickers that night.

Kara awoke to the sound of soft music playing in the background. Well that's what she thought at first, until her super hearing honed in on Alex's rock music blaring through the apartment. Kara groaned as her sister danced around the room, holding a glass of wine in her hand.

"Alex, why are you drinking so early?" Kara sped off the couch, stealing the glass from out of Alex's hand. It earned her a glare from Alex but she couldn't care less. Her mind was still racing from last night but Kara knew she needed to wait for a few days. She gently shoved the wine-filled glass into the freezer and used her ice breath to make sure Alex couldn't re-open the freezer door.

"Why aren't you at the DEO?" Alex sighed slumping onto the bench chair. "J'onn made me take a day off since I 'apparently' never have a holiday."

The older Danvers sister dropped her head onto the bench table, muttering silent swear words to herself. Kara chuckled quietly, Alex knowing full-well that Kara could hear her. Kara moved over to sit beside her sister, but not before turning on the television. A new club popped up on the screen, The Star Gazer.

Alex's ears pricked up at the sound of the TV and gave Kara a mischievous smirk. Kara saw that look and shook her head furiously. "No. Alex. No." Alex pouted and opened her eyes widely, giving Kara one of the cutest puppy looks. Kara's puppy dog look was by far the best but Alex grinned when Kara finally gave in. "Okay, o- okay fine. But I have nothing to wear to something as fancy as that."

"We will just have to go shopping now, won't we?" Kara groaned internally, she didn't enjoy clothes shopping. She was extremely subconscious regarding her outfits and more-so because of what happened during her Red Kryptonite phase. It frightened Kara that she could become that anger she had dug so far down, where the sun never shined. That was the reason shopping for such classy and sexy clothing gave her the chills.

Nevertheless, she persisted and followed Alex out of the apartment, on their way to the shopping mall around the block.


After 3 long, unbearable hours, the sisters managed to find their perfect outfits. Kara did get shooed away a few times for normal Supergirl duties but that was to be expected, however it made Kara laugh each time because of Alex. She glared at the back of her head every time she flew away, mumbling curse words under her breath.

"What now? It's still day out." Alex pointed out.

Kara tilted her head cutely and held up her phone. "Well, I thought you needed to get out more and I saw a new name in your contacts, so," Kara lifted her hand and pointed in the direction behind Alex. The short-haired woman turned around, her eyes widening as a certain detective made her way towards the sisters.

"Maggie.." Alex breathed out, her heart beginning to race. What? This shouldn't be happening. Maggie chuckled waving at the two girls. "Hey Danvers," she glanced over at Kara with a kind smile, "Lil' Danvers."

"Hi Maggie!" Kara greeted, shaking the dark-haired woman's hand. "Alex has told me next to nothing about you." Maggie laughed reciprocating the shake, not seeing the icy daggers Alex sent Kara's way. "Hey Maggie, why are you here?" Alex asked, curiousness soaking her voice.

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