I'm Not Like Them

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"Lena, as in Lena Luthor?" Alex asked, her eyes widening. Kara sighed lifting herself up and out of Alex's ever-tightening grasp. "Yes, Lena Luthor. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. I thought it was because she was a new friend who just so happened to be a girl." She pulled out her phone, opened up the camera roll and showed Alex a picture of the young Luthor. "Look at her, she's beautiful. Alex I-"

"Kara, you can't like Lena Luthor. She's the sister of the world's most notorious alien-hater." Alex stood up then paced around the room. "I don't have a problem with you liking other girls, it's only Lena. She's a Luthor and we all know it isn't safe to trust a Luthor. For all we know, she could be exactly like her brother Lex."

"Lena is NOT like Lex." Kara growled at her non-blood related sister. "I know you're trying to protect me, but I care about her. Even if it is only a small crush, I would never risk letting my secret get out."

Alex raised her eyebrow, leaning her head slightly to the side. Kara huffed giving in to the look, knowing her sister was right. Over the years, the two had learnt a way of communicating with each other without words. Kara knew exactly what her sister was trying to say. She was never good at keeping secrets. Hell, she wasn't even sure who knew of her other identity. "Alright then, Alex. You are right. I should keep these new feelings at bay for now."

Alex gave her a reassuring look, gently pulling the Kryptonian into her human-strong embrace. "You know I love you Kara, I just only want to protect you. Like I always have." Kara sighed, closing her eyes. "Kara, whoever you love will always cause me to be guarded. I just worry because the last time a Luthor and a Super were friends, things ended up in complete destruction. However," Alex leaned back, lifting her hand and wiping away a stray tear from Kara's eyes. "If Lena is the one you want, I will be here for you, whether things go well or not. You will always have me."

"Thank you Alex." The two girls hugged before cuddling back onto the couch. Kara was so worried about telling Alex about her feelings, she forgot to mention one important detail. Kara pulled her phone out from her track pants pocket, quickly sending a message off to Lena.

Kara: Hey Lena, I never received a message from you regarding dinner. I hope everything is okay. x

Alex peeped over Kara's shoulders, laughing at the blonde. "Of course you and Lena were going out on a date!" Kara blushed staring down at the now darkened screen. "It was only a friendly dinner. I should go check on her at the DEO in the morning, as Supergirl of course."


The next morning:

Supergirl was sat next to the green-eyed woman who laid resting in the DEO infirmary. Kara sighed hoping Lena would wake up soon, she couldn't help but feel useless knowing she couldn't do anything to wake the young Luthor. Kara walked out for a moment to go and get some food, she was so nerve-wracked that the youngest of the Danver's didn't eat breakfast.

But hearing the yawn of Lena brought Kara back into the room. "Le- Ms. Luthor!" Kara smiled, sitting back down in the chair beside the bed. "I'm glad you're awake." Lena tried to sit up but the Kryptonian gently pushed her back down. "Don't move too much, you could make your stitches burst."

"How long have I been out like this?" Lena stared across at Kara, green eyes piercing blue. "Almost a day, your injuries were quite extensive but luckily you only suffered a minor concussion that knocked you out." Supergirl stood back up attempting to regain control of her strong persona, otherwise Lena could figure out that the two girls were one of the same. "Well thank you for saving my life again Supergirl. I wonder where Superman was," Lena looked down, "Probably didn't want to save another Luthor."

"Lena!" Kara's eyes widened as she tried to regain herself. "I mean Ms. Luthor, you are not like your brother. Yes, you are smart and you have so much power over this city even though you can't really see that yet. But I believe that everyone should be judged based on their own merits, and so far," Kara looked into Lena's emerald eyes, her facial expression softening for a moment, "I believe you to be truthful, caring and kind. Something the other people in your family haven't acquired."

Lena couldn't help but lean over towards the Kryptonian. She whispered quietly, her words that only Kara could hear. "Thank you, Supergirl." At this moment, Kara had two options. She could lean closer towards the young Luthor, closing the gap between them in a passionate kiss, or wimp out and quickly make her exit. Unfortunately, Kara Danvers came back into the picture pushing Supergirl's bravery away, causing the young Kryptonian to stutter. "I- Y- You- You're welcome Ms. Luthor." Lena became slightly confused but smiled accordingly.

"Lena, please. How long until I am able to get back to work?" Kara darted her eyes around the room as she answered, not wanting to look back at Lena. "Well the nurse just needs to re-do your bandages and check on your stitches, but you should be good to go after that." Without registering it, Kara's hand had reached up to push her glasses back into place even though she wasn't wearing them. "Anyway, I need to get going. I have a city to protect, good day Ms. Lu- I mean, Lena."

Before Lena could respond, Kara had dashed out of the room and she watched as the Kryptonian flew out of the building. Lena sighed, her feelings beginning to jumble into a soon-to be huge mess. What was that? I did not just try to flirt with Supergirl did I? Or maybe I did? I don't know.. SHIT, my date with Kara! It wasn't a date, just dinner, right?

Lena checked her phone, noticing a message from Kara. She smiled but frowned reading the message. "I should re-schedule our dinner for tonight. Hopefully nothing stops it this time." Lena sent out a quick reply.

Lena: Hey Kara, I am so so sorry for not texting you. I had been in an accident, but I am okay. Did you want to do dinner tonight perhaps? - Lena

A few moments after the text, Lena received a phone call from the one and only-

"Kara! Hey, I was just texting you about dinner." Kara sounded frantic over the phone. "Lena! Oh my god, are you okay? An accident!? Why didn't I hear about this sooner? They told me there was an explosion but no one mentioned anyone getting hurt." Lena heard the sadness in Kara's voice and she longed to make the sweet reporter's happiness return.

"Hey no Kara, I am okay. I didn't get hurt too much, just a few scratches," Lena lied as she stared at the cuts and bruises all over her body. Shit, how am I going to hide this from Kara?  "Ms. Danvers, would you like to go a costume party with me tonight? I thought dinner but I was invited to this party a month ago." Kara knew Lena had lied to her about the scratches but was glad she still wanted to hang out. "Yes of course, text me the details right after the phone call. I need to go and get a costume for tonight."

"Yes I will, I guess I will see you tonight." Kara nodded, although she became aware of the fact that Lena couldn't see her, so she replied with "Sounds great! Bye Lena!"

Lena sighed contently as she placed her phone onto the dark metallic dresser to her right. "Nurse, can we get these bandages sorted out? I must return to work immediately." More like get myself a damn good costume.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated every two days. This is more of a filler chapter but I definitely wanted to include a whole lot more supercorp in it since it is a supercorp fanfic. Sorry I'm slow. Plus I wanted some sisterly bonding happening in this chapter too, a bit of both I guess you could say. Don't worry Sanvers shippers, Maggie will be entering this story sometime soon, although it won't be focused around them as much.

Honestly I had no idea how to further this story along. Actually, I lied. I do, I just really didn't feel up to writing it. I have just been so busy with work and then applying for other jobs right now. I will try to wrap up this story soon enough. There will be many more chapters to come, and by many I would say another five or so. Thanks.

P.S. That photo at the top made me laugh so I put it in xD

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