'The Concert"

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Nine hours later of Elayn acting weird and the guys either laughing at her or watching TV they finally arrived in Arizona.

9:02PM Elayn's watch read.

"We're here." Chuck said as he parked behind the stadium Elayn was performing at. Elayn sat up and smiled. "Finally." Elayn said in excitement as she got up and walked over to the door of the tour bus. "Where are you going?" Jake asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled. "To check out how much space needs to be filled up before the stadium is full." Elayn said as she jumped out of the bus and walked over to a door that was behind the stadium. Cc smiled and watch as Elayn walked off. "You think she will get a full stadium?" Jinxx asked as he looked at Andy and Jake. Andy smiled as he tool his gaze off of Elayn. "No doubt. I only feel bad for the people that couldn't get their tickets on time and have to watch it at home." Andy said as he looked at Jinxx. Jinxx and Jake chuckled. "Yeah, that's true. Her performance tonight is going to be fucking amazing I can tell you that." Jake said as he got up from the couch and walked out of the bus. "Elayn won't disappoint us tonight." Cc said with a smile as he followed behind Jake. Andy and Jinxx sat in the bus together for a while. "You worried?" Jinxx asked as he looked at Andy. "Worried about what?" Andy asked a bit curious by what Jinxx was implying. "Cc." Jinxx responded bluntly as he watched Andy's facial expression change. "I-I don't know. Maybe just a little but I have no idea how he feels about her." Andy said as he stood up and looked down at Jinxx. Jinxx stood up and looked at Andy. "Well, hopefully he doesn't." Jinxx said as he looked at Andy and patted his shoulder then walked out of the bus. Andy ran his fingers through his hair and looked out the tour bus window.

'What the hell am I going to do if he does feel that way about her? I know I can't let my jealousy or my selfishness get in the way of Elayn's career but I just can't stand the thought of Cc wanting to be with her. I will do anything in my power to make sure that she or even he doesn't get to close to her to where she would want to be with him.' Andy thought to himself as he walked out of the bus and into the same door Elayn and the guys went through not so long ago.

"Damn this is a huge stage." Elayn said with a smile as she walked out onto the stage and looked at the empty stadium. "Yeah, I don't think you will have a problem filling it up." Cc said as he walked up behind Elayn. Jake and Jinxx walked out onto the stage and up to Elayn's side. "Nervous?" Jake asked as he draped his arm over Elayn's shoulders. Elayn shook her head and smiled. "Not at all. Really I'm excited." Elayn said with a smile as she went behind the stage and grabbed a guitar. "Starting early are we?" Andy asked as he walked on stage with his hands in his pockets. Elayn smiled and connected her guitar to the amp as she strung a couple of cords to make sure it was working and loud. "You know it. I have to make sure my riff sounds bad ass." Elayn said with a smile before she began to play a sick riff on her black electric guitar. The guys watched as Elayn poured her heart into her riff and became amazed on how far Elayn had gotten only off of her own talent. "Well this will do. Maybe I can get it to be a bit louder when I actually play." Elayn said as she put her guitar down and looked at the guys. Andy and Cc smiled at Elayn as people began to walk into the stadium. "Hey guys. Its a bit to early don't you think?" Elayn asked as she jumped off the stage and walked up to the people. The girls panicked but not in fear more of happiness and a bit starstruck. "Y-yeah, but we wanted t-to get a good spot." One of the girls said as she stuttered in amazement. Elayn smiled. "Well up front is the best. I just hope your eardrums will be able to stand how loud my riff is going to be." Elayn said with a slight smirk as she turned and jumped back onto the stage. "Well I have to go get dressed be back in a bit." Elayn said with a smile as she jogged behind the stage. Elayn went into her dressing room and changed into black leather pants with the same white shirt with the black skull on it that she wore when she went to record her album. Elayn smiled at her reflection because she felt like, now, after so long of her never being accepted that she was truly home where she belonged and that was on stage. "Hey the stadium is getting full, Elayn." Cc said as he walked into Elayn's dressing room. "Okay. Let's get this show started." Elayn said with a smile as she walked out of her dressing room and back on stage. The stage was empty except for Elayn's guitar and her personal drummer. As Elayn walked up to her mic the audience began to cheer and scream her name. "Arizona, are you ready to rock?!" Elayn yelled into the mic with a huge smile on her face and her guitar in hand. The crowd went wild and screamed in excitement. Elayn smiled and began to sing and play. "Another moment breaks, the shadow side of me. It's like pulling thread until I fall apart
They say to live with this song I have to sing. It's the cross that hangs deep below my heart. And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break let the damn walls break. Down! Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out! From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean. Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground. Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down! Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out (Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me) Feel a violent rage, washing over me I can barely breathe, bury me alive. All the tragedy becomes a symphony full of pain, I feel my final goodbye. And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break, Let the damn walls break down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out! From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground. Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down! Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out (Screaming loud, screaming loud, from the underground. Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out) Rise, rise can you hear me now? Rise, rise can you see me now? Rise, rise can you hear me now? Rise, rise can you see me now? And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break let the damn walls break down! Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out! From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean. Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground
Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out. Rise, rise can you hear me now? Rise, rise nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out." (Actual Andy Black Song) Elayn finished singing as she slowly faded out towards the end. The crowd yelled in excitement as Elayn finished.

'That was fucking amazing. s
She is so amazing. I hate that I can't be with her and that Andy is. I want her now I've never felt this way about her but when she was gone I realized how much I truly loved her and how I felt about her. I want Elayn I think I deserve Elayn more than Andy does.' Cc thought to himself as he glanced at Andy then watched Elayn as she began to sing another song.

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