"The Party"

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"Elayn what are you doing?!" Andy asked as he kneeled by Elayn and tried to get her to stop. Elayn wiped her mouth and looked at Andy with tear filled eyes. "I'm making myself perfect." Elayn said as tears fell from her eyes. Andy wiped away her tears and hugged Elayn. "You are already perfect. Why would you want to change yourself?" Andy asked as he held Elayn close and spoke softly. "Andy I'm not perfect I never was...if I was perfect then why does everyone I love leave me?" Elayn asked as she buried her head into Andy's chest and began to cry more. "Baby, that was the past and the reason they did was because they thought you would be happier without them they didn't know that leaving would have such a huge impact on you." Andy said as he stroked Elayn's hair and pulled her onto his lap. "Then...why did you leave me Andy? When you turned eighteen you left me for four almost five years...why did you do that?" Elayn asked as she looked at Andy and a few stray tears fell from her eyes. Andy looked at Elayn and sighed. "I did it because...I loved you and I knew you didn't feel the same and I thought the best thing to do was run away from that...from you...but I regretted ever leaving because everyday I was thinking about you and what you were doing and who you were with...Elayn you were and are my soul mate and I will never leave you again...I promise. Elayn all I wanted was for you to be happy and I just thought that you would never want a guy like me so...I ran." Andy said as he wiped away more of Elayn's tears and looked at her with sorrow and regret in his eyes. "Andy I loved you I've always loved you I told you this...but when you left it tore me apart....I thought you found out about how I felt and was disgusted by me so you left...Andy you didn't even leave me a note or anything you just left...everyday I woke up I cried because I couldn't see you. Andy you mean the world to me an-" Andy kissed Elayn passionately cutting off her sentence. Elayn kissed Andy back as tears rolled down her face. "I'm sorry I left you Elayn. Just know that I will never be disgusted by you because to me you are perfect and I fell so hard in love with you...I will always be here I'm never leaving not again." Andy said as he wiped away more tears and kissed Elayn's forehead. Elayn hugged Andy tightly and cried softly into his chest. "I love you...and I will continue to love you forever." Andy said as he held Elayn close. "Let's go, baby. Let's go somewhere that will make you happy." Andy said as he looked down at Elayn with a warm and loving smile on his face. Elayn nodded her head 'okay'. Andy stood up while holding Elayn in his arms bridal style and walked out of the bathroom placing Elayn on the bed and turning back going into the bathroom and flushing the toilet.

'Because of me she thinks she's imperfect because of me she hates herself I'm the reason she hurts why she wants to end her life I'm the reason for her pain.' Andy thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom and laid down next to Elayn putting on a fake smile to make everything seem okay.

"Don't do that." Elayn said as she placed one hand on Andy's face and looked at him. "Do what?" Andy asked as he looked at Elayn and kept his fake smile on his face. "That fake smile...stop it I hate when you do that especially when you're looking at me." Elayn said as she removed her hand and turned around to where her back is facing Andy. "I'm sorry." Andy said as he wrapped an arm around Elayn and kissed her cheek. "It's okay just don't do it anymore." Elayn said as she interlocked her fingers with Andy's and looked down. "Okay I won't." Andy said as he gently squeezed Elayn's hand and held her close. Elayn felt a bit uncomfortable in Andy's arms. "Let me go." Elayn said in a soft voice as she sat up. "Okay." Andy said as he unwrapped his arm from over Elayn. Elayn got up and walked over to her drawer and pulled out a black bikini and walked over to her bathroom to change. Andy sighed and sprawled out on Elayn's bed. Elayn came out of the bathroom with the bikini on and stood in front of Andy. Andy looked at Elayn and bit his lip. "That's not fair you can't come up to me looking that sexy and not want me to hold you." Andy said as he sat up and placed his hands on Elayn's waist. Elayn smiled faintly and looked at Andy. "Yeah right. I'm going to go for a swim feel free to join me if you want." Elayn said as she turned and and started to walked toward her bedroom door. Andy watched as Elayn left the room and bit his lip. "Fuck baby." Andy said quietly to himself as Elayn disappeared down the stairs. Elayn walked through the empty living room and out the back door to the pool and jumped in and began to swim around and relax. "Holy hell that little black bikini looks so hot on Elayn." Ashley said to himself as he looked out his window and watched Elayn swim. Elayn got out of the pool and laid on the concrete, surrounding the pool, as she began to sun tan. Andy walked out of Elayn's room and into his changing he clothed to swimming shorts and headed downstairs towards the backyard. "Hey, sexy." Andy said as he walked over to Elayn and jumped into the pool. Elayn laughed and sat up as she was splashed by Andy. Andy smirked as he came up from under the water and pulled Elayn in with him. Elayn laughed and kissed Andy playfully as she held onto him. Andy laughed and looked at Elayn as he did a weird hair flip sending water everywhere.

'That should be me not him. God damn it I hate that she is with him I want her, I need her, damn it I love her more than I love Sara.' Ashley thought to himself as he watched Elayn and Andy while furrowing his eyebrows in anger.

Elayn and Andy swam around splashing each other playfully as they laughed like when they were younger. "You brat come here." Andy said as he swam after Elayn and laughed. Elayn laughed and jumped out of the pool and ran around the backyard. "No, you have to catch me first." Elayn said as she ran away not looking back. Andy laughed as he got out of the pool and ran after Elayn. "You're mine you can't run from me." Andy said as he laughed and caught up to Elayn tackling her to the ground. Elayn smiled and wrapped her arms around Andy's neck and looked at him. "I may be yours but I can always run." Elayn said with a smile as she kissed Andy. Andy smirked. "You can run, baby, but you won't get far." Andy said before he kissed Elayn back and smirked on her lips. "Stop that nasty shit you love birds." Jake said as he walked out into the backyard and smiled at Andy and Elayn. Andy smiled at Elayn and kissed her again on purpose. "You're so fucking weird." Jake said as he walked over to Elayn and Andy and playfully kicked Andy off. Andy fell off of Elayn and laid by her side. Jake began to blush hard at the sight of Elayn in a bikini.

'Holy hell she looks so damn sexy in that bikini a part of me just wants to take her inside and do whatever I want to her but I know I can't because I'm with Inna but holy fuck she looks amazing.' Jake thought to himself as he looked at Elayn and blushed more.

Andy looked at Jake and raised his eyebrow. "Hey let's have a party." Elayn suggested causing Andy to take his gaze off of Jake. "A party?" Jake pondered. "Yeah, Elayn's right we should have a party we haven't in so long maybe it will be a nice distraction for everyone." Andy said as he stood up and looked down at Elayn. Elayn smiled and stood up next to Andy. "Yeah, so its settled we are having a party and this party will be the greatest party we have ever had." Elayn said with a smile as she wrapped Andy's arms around her. "Hell yeah this party will be kick ass " Jake said with a smile as he looked at Elayn and Andy. "So everything's settled we are throwing the craziest and the wildest party ever all for you, baby." Andy said with a smile on his face and Elayn in his arms. "Can't wait." Elayn responded as she smiled at Andy and Jake with excitement in her eyes.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now