"The Plan"

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Andy looked down at Elayn and raised an eyebrow. "You okay?" Andy asked as he moved Elayn's hair out of her face. Elayn looked up at Andy and mouthed 'We need to talk.' Andy nodded his head and got up from the couch while taking Elayn's hand in his leading them to Elayn's room. Elayn closed the door behind her and looked at Andy. "What's wr-" Elayn lifted up Andy's shirt revealing his ribs that were visible without him trying to make them appear. "Andy, when was the last time you ate?" Elayn asked as she trailed her hands gently over Andy's ribs. Andy took a hesitant breath and looked at Elayn. "The day you left." Andy said as he took Elayn's hands off his ribs. Elayn closed her eyes then looked up at Andy. "Andy, you need to eat something, please?" Elayn said as her eyes sweld up with tears. Andy looked at Elayn and hugged her tightly to where he could feel Elayn's own ribs.

'I want to tell her that she needs to eat to but I can't rush her into that. It pains me to be able to feel her ribs but I know its a lot worse for her. I just want her to be healthy too and I will help her even if we have to take small steps I will still help her no matter what.' Andy thought to himself as he looked at Elayn and kissed her forehead.

"Okay." Andy said with a slight smile as he looked at Elayn and wiped away any tears that fell. "Thank you." Elayn said with hopeful eyes as she smiled at Andy. Elayn took Andy's hand and walked out of her room and to the room where the guys were sitting and talking. "We're here." Chuck said as he turned and looked at everyone. "So, what do you guys want?" Elayn asked as she began to walk to the bus door. The guys gave Elayn their orders and watched as she stepped out of the bus and walked towards the entrance. "It's Elayn!" Some girl yelled as Elayn walked into McDonald's. Elayn smiled and walked up to the cashier. "Can I-" He began before he realized who it was. "Y-you're Elayn! What c-can I get you?" He asked starstruck as he nervously moved his hands. Elayn told him her order and watched as he nervously worked. "Hey calm down I'm just a regular person you don't have to be so nervous." Elayn said as she placed her hand over his. Mark, which was the kids name, practically melted at Elayn's touch. Elayn smiled warmly at Mark as he gave Elayn her order. "Thanks, Mark. You're the best." Elayn said with a smile as she paid and walked out. People tried to walk up to Elayn and take her picture but Elayn had let them down easily. "Sorry guys. Not now." Elayn said as she got into her tour bus and gave the guys their food. Chuck started the bus again as Elayn sat down. "Any trouble?" Cc asked as he grabbed his burger from the bag along with fries. "Nah, just some starstruck kid but I'm pretty sure I just made his day." Elayn said with a smile as she grabbed herself some fries.

'She's so kind and loving to fans its really amazing how calm and happy she can make people. I remember when we started out we were just like her but then things changed. When we got to close to fans many of them tried to do stuff to us and we decided one day we had enough and tried to distance ourselves as much as we could without hurting anyone. I just hope Elayn doesn't turn out like we did.' Jake thought as he grabbed himself two bugers and two orders of fries.

Elayn handed Andy a burger and nuggets so that he would eat. "Thanks." Andy said as he took the food from Elayn's hands and sat next to her. Everyone ate silently as Elayn turned on the flat screen TV she had in the tour bus. "You know we are going to be on here for a few months, right?" Elayn asked as she ate a fry and crossed her legs over each other. "Yeah, we know, but that's a good thing we get to make up the time we lost together for that week you were gone." Jinxx said with a smile as he threw his trash in the empty bag. Elayn smiled as she backed up into the corner of the couch. "You over exaggerate its not like you would've died without me." Elayn said as she threw away her trash and watched the TV. "Maybe, not me, but Andy, Jake, and Cc would've. All they did was pace around the house waiting for you to come back. They really didn't know what to do while you were gone." Jinxx said as he sat back on the couch and relaxed.

'They really were lost without me. I had no idea how much they can't function without me plus I was only gone for a week. I can't even imagine how lost they would've been if I was gone for a few months.' Elayn thought to herself as she looked at Jake, Cc, and Andy.

"So, Ashley is still at Arizona's?" Elayn asked to break the ice. "Yeah, he is. Honestly, I think he quit the band." Jake said as he threw away his trash. "Why would you say that?" Elayn asked as she ate some more of her fries. "He hasn't been to the house ever since what you told him and he hasn't even bothered to call us." Cc said as he looked at Elayn. Elayn stared off as thoughts ran through her head then finally she snapped her fingers. "My performances will be broadcast live so after I sing you guys can come on stage, but I will be in Ashley's place and purposely play bad so that he will want to come back." Elayn said with a smile as she threw away her trash and looked at the guys. The guys smiled and looked at Elayn. "Sounds like a plan. Only thing, Elayn, are you sure you can play bad?" Jinxx asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn sighed. "No, I can't. We need someone who isn't experienced at playing a bass to do this." Elayn said as everyone turned and looked at Cc. "Cc you're our guy." Andy said with a smile. Cc nervously chuckled. "I swear if our fans hate us after this." Cc said as he looked at everyone. Elayn smiled. "Don't worry they won't. I will tell them what's going on before hand." Elayn said as she smiled at everyone. "Great we have a plan. Hopefully it works." Jinxx said with a smile.

'I know this plan will work. I want to get Ashley back for them because I know this is Andy's dream and I will do anything to make sure it is complete. I may not like Ashley but still their band isn't complete without him and I can't be two places at once with my tour and filling in for Ashley. This plan has got to work. I hope it works.' Elayn thought as she grabbed a pillow and held it close to her chest.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt