"Rock Star Life"

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"Come on don't look at me like that. You're just like your brother." Juliet snickered to Elayn with a sly smirk on her face. Elayn scoffed. "My brother? We aren't related actually we are together." Elayn said with a smirk as she walked past Juliet and up to Andy kissing him to taunt her. Juliet scowled at Elayn. "So it is true. Whatever he was better off with me than a slut like you." Juliet said with a smirk and walked up to Elayn and Andy. "So you didn't learn your lesson from last time did you?" Elayn asked as she turned around to face Juliet and popped her knuckles. "Elayn, don't fucking bother by the time you try to hit me you will be on the ground crying." Juliet said taunting Elayn with a smirk on her face. Elayn smirked and threw one quick but hard punch at Juliet hitting her in the face causing her to fall to the ground. "Now I suggest you leave before I beat your ass to death." Elayn said as she towered over Juliet causing her to cower away. Juliet scrambled to her feet and held her face as she ran out the house. Elayn watches as Juliet left and laughed a bit. "That was a waste of a good punch." Jake said as he laughed. "Yeah, it was but then again she deserved it." Elayn said with a smirk on her face.

'Damn it Elayn I swear I have no idea what is about girls fighting well Elayn fighting that is so damn hot like holy hell that was sexy especially how hard she hit Juliet too fuck that was sexy.' Andy thought to himself as he wrapped his arms around Elayn from behind her.

A few minutes later there was another knock at the door. "I got this." Jake said as he walked over to the door and opened it letting a whole bunch of people in including more band members a long with groupies and the band member's girlfriends or boyfriends. "Hey Elayn long time no see." Vic from Pierce The Veil said as he walked up to Elayn and smiled. "Yeah its been years how are you?" Elayn asked as Andy let go of her and went to get a drink. "I'm good working on our new album but hey I heard that you and Andy aren't related and now you two are together is that true?" Vic asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled a bit. "Yeah, its is." Elayn said as she smiled at Vic. "Wow, he's pretty lucky to have an amazing girl like you but if he ever hurts you tell me and I will do something about it." Vic said with a slight chuckle. Elayn smiled and nodded her head as she walked off to get a drink. "What's your poison?" Cc asked with a smile. "Come on Cc you should know." Elayn said with a smile as she grabbed a bottle of vodka and walked off. There were people everywhere inside and outside all drinking and having a good time. "So should we preform?" Jake asked as he walked up behind Elayn. Elayn smiled and looked at Jake. "Yeah get the guys and tell them to do their warpaint." Elayn said as she drank from the vodka bottle then set it down going upstairs. Jake smiled and got the guys. Elayn went into her room and grabbed her warpaint and began to paint her face the way that Andy had done in the past. All the guys went to their rooms and put their warpaint on and changed into all black to match Elayn. Elayn smiled at her warpaint and grabbed her leather jacket leaving her room. The guys came out of their rooms and joined Elayn as she walked ahead of them down the stairs. "Hell yeah now its a party." Brendon said in excitement as he saw Elayn and the guys walk downstairs. Elayn smirked and did a hair flip as she walked outside into the backyard and towards the stage. The guys followed behind Elayn grabbing their guitars and Cc walked up to his drum set. Elayn smirked as she walked up to the mic and looked at the crowed. "Are you ready to have the most kick ass party ever?!" Elayn yelled into the mic getting everyone excited as she smiled like Andy does. The crowed screamed in excitement as they looked at Elayn. The guys began to play the "Perfect Weapon" intro and Elayn did Andy's famous roar to start the song. The crowed went wild when they heard the sound of Elayn's roar. Elayn began to actually sing the song as Andy did before and put her emotions behind every word making the crowed feel the song. The guys smiled at each other as they played and watched Elayn sing with passion. "You're amazing!" A groupie yelled from the crowed as she watched Elayn sing. Elayn smirked and took off her leather jacket throwing it in the crowed as she took the mic and began to sing and walk on the stage smiling and enjoying herself.

'Holy fuck this feels amazing just like the good old days everyone seems to be enjoying themselves I love this they are an amazing crowed and I want to preform for them as long ad I can.' Elayn thought to herself as she ended the song and smiled at the crowed.

"Any request?!" Elayn yelled into the mic with a smile on her face. "Lost It All!" Brendon yelled from the crowed. Elayn smiled and looked back at Andy. "Well you heard them let's go." Elayn said with a smile as she motioned Andy to get next to her. Andy smiled and took an extra mic and stood next to Elayn. The guys smiled and began to play the intro to "Lost It All" as they watched Elayn and Andy. Andy began to sing and Elayn sang the back up vocals.

'Elayn seems so happy to preform. Well, she did have a band before and we used to have a band together that was before I left but seeing her smile and have fun like this makes me happy because she is happy maybe she should join us that is if she wants.' Andy thought to himself as he looked at Elayn and finished the song with her.

The crowed screamed their names and yelled in happiness as Elayn and Andy finished. "Okay guys now take in mind this next song is just for fun so sit back and enjoy!" Elayn yelled with a wide smile as she turned and looked at the guys. "Guys you know this song I've made you learn it just for me now let's see how you did." Elayn said as she winked at the guys then turned back to the crowed. Jake and Ashley blushed hard as they began to play the intro for "Bring Me To Life." Elayn smiled and began to sing the song perfectly as Andy joined her for the back up vocals. The crowed went wild when they heard Elayn's true voice and how beautiful she sounded while hitting the high notes. Elayn smiled as she sang and looked into the crowed pouring her heart out to them. Elayn and Andy finished the song and looked at each other. "Let's finish this with a bang." Elayn said as she looked back at the guys. Ashley smirked at Elayn and began to play "Coffin" and the guys joined in. Elayn began to sing lost it all doing everything perfect even the screaming as she smiled on the mic and looked at the crowed. The crowed screamed Elayn's name and cheered in excitement as Elayn and the guys finished the song and Elayn stage dived into the crowed being carried through the crowed above their heads.

'This is the best time ever, holy shit life like a rock star is fucking amazing its been so long since I've experienced it and now that I have again I feel so awesome this party is amazing and I'm glad I threw it no we threw it. This is the best party ever.' Elayn thought to herself as she smiled and got passed around in the crowed and everyone was screaming her name.

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