"One Day"

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Andy walked down the hallway to find Cc trying so desperately to open Andy's bedroom door. "Cc what the hell are you doing?" Andy asked as he walked up to Cc and cocked his eyebrow. Cc turned and looked at Andy. "Looking for you. Where the hell did you go?" Cc asked as he looked up at Andy looking at him a bit suspicious. "I went to go check up on Elayn to see if she is okay." Andy responded casually without a change in tone. Cc relaxed a bit. "Oh, okay. How is she anyways?" Cc asked as he try to walk past Andy and go to Elayn's room. "She's fine now I'm pretty sure she is drawing by now." Andy said with a slight chuckle as he walked past Cc and into his room. Cc nodded his head and by past Elayn's room and went to his instead.

'I'm glad she is okay but why isn't she with Ashley right now? I mean they are engaged shouldn't they be together and be doing something?' Cc thought to himself as he walked into his bathroom and took off his clothes to shower.

Elayn smiled at the finished picture as she got up from her bed and placed it inside of her drawer. Elayn walked out of her room and downstairs to the living room with only a shirt on that was long enough to cover her panties. "Hey how are you feeling?" Jake asked Elayn as he sat on the couch not turning to face her. "I'm better don't worry." Elayn said as she went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "That's good I'm glad you're okay." Jake said as he turned at looked at Elayn, who was bending over to get a bottle of water, and started to blush hard. "E-Elayn why don't you have any shorts on?" Jake said as he quickly turned away and blushed a bright crimson. "Because I don't feel like it plus the shirt covers." Elayn said as she stood up and began to walk out the kitchen drinking her bottle of water. Jake kept his gaze on the TV as he continued to blush.

'Holy fuck I've never noticed it before but she's fucking hot. I mean yeah Inna's hot as well but, fuck, Elayn is sexy Ashley is fucking lucky.' Jake thought as he flipped through the channels trying to take his mind off of Elayn.

Elayn walked over to the living room and sat next to Jake. "So what are you watching?" Elayn asked as she looked at Jake and noticed he was blushing red still. "Um... Ghost Adventures." Jake responded not looking at Elayn so she wouldn't see him blush. Elayn smiled. "I love this show its amazing." Elayn said as she messed with the sleeves of her jacket pulling them up revealing a few tattoos she had. One Black Veil Brides symbol on her forearm, a Batman symbol on her wrist, and a tattoo black and white of what seemed like the tip of wings on the back of Elayn's left arm. Jake glanced at Elayn and noticed the tattoo that looks like a wing. "Hey what's that tattoo?" Jake said as he pointed to the tip of the wings. "Oh its wings I have it on both arms and on my back." Elayn said as she turned to where her back is facing Jake so he can see the wings on both arms. "Can I see the whole tattoo?" Jake asked as he turned in his seat to face Elayn. Elayn nodded and unzipped her jacket dropping it down behind her to show a tattoo of wings that are on her back that when she spreads her arms it looks like her wings have spreaded. "Wow that looks cool, it looks so real." Jake said as he gawked at the tattoo. "Yeah, I drew it out myself." Elayn said as she picked up her jacket and put it back on. "Really? What the hell you draw better than Andy." Jake said with a chuckle as he turned back to the TV and began to watch it. "So I've been told." Elayn said as she got up and began to walk towards the stairs. Jake watched as Elayn walked off and began to, unknowingly, blush again. Elayn walked upstairs to Ashley's room and walked in without knocking. "Hey, beautiful, what are you doing?" Ashley asked as he sat up on his bed and looked at Elayn. "Nothing just thought I could sleep here tonight." Elayn said as she walked over to Ashley's side and laid down next to him. Ashley smiled and placed an arm around Elayn and held her close staring into her eyes with a loving and warm gaze. Elayn smiled and placed her hand on Ashley's chest and stared into his eyes smiling warmly and lovingly. Ashley leaned in and kissed Elayn softly smiling on her lips. Elayn smiled a bit as she kissed Ashley back placing a hand on his cheek and holding him close as she kisses him.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now