"Tsuna, calm down." suggested Myrtle. "Seriously, before I punch you."

"Right. Sorry." he sighed. "I was just so worried about you."

"And thank you for worrying." Myrtle gve him a smile. But her expression suddenly turned neutral. "Tsuna, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Tsuna, I-"

The door suddenly opened and revealed a panicking Burkely and a laughing Takeshi.

"Ahahaha! You're a really fast runner, Burkely! You should join the baseball club!"

"No time for that. Guys! Hibari and Arthur are having a rematch! They're going to fight at Namimori High!"

"What?!" yelled the two young bosses.

Myrtle and Tsuna looked at each other and groaned in displeasure.

"Namimori High? Seriously?" Mytle yelled and immediately scrambled for her clothes so that she can change.

"Oh my god! Two cloud guardians facing off each other is worse than Hibari-san in a crowded plaza!" Tsuna commented and did the same thing as Myrtle.

Once the two were done changing from their hospital clothes (the two changed separately and away from everyone's eyes), the two headed out of their room.

"Wait! Hanazawa-san! Sawada-san! You can't leave without permission from your doctor!" called a nurse that went after them.

"Niche-san, where is Doctor Shamal?" asked Tsuna.

"I have no idea." Niche shrugged.

"They can go." said a deep voice. All heads turned to that direction and saw Reborn (adult form) in all his glory wearing a white doctor cloak. "The two of them can go."

"Reborn!" Tsuna called.

"Reborn-hakase!" yelled the nurse. "But-"

"Are you going to question me?"

"No, sir." the nurse sighed in defeat and left.

"You two should go and stop your guardians." said Reborn.

Tsuna and Myrtle nodded and dashed out of the hospital.

Reborn and Shamal were the attending doctors of Myrtle and Tsuna. The two weren't exactly gravely injured, just exhausted and banged up.

The couple reached Namimori High School and saw that Hibari and Arthur were already fighting. Holes on the ground, broken windows and cracks on the school building were shown once they got there.

"Thank Kami-sama it's a weekend." muttered Tsuna.

"Yeah. Though, we have to patch things up before school starts on Monday." Myrtle agreed.

The two headed to the spectators of the fight.

"How long have they been fighting?" asked the Vongola Decimo to his gurdians.

"Jyuudaime, they've been at it for almost an hour now."

"Arthur mentioned that Hibari Kyoya challenged him to an all out duel." said Alfie.

"And no one bothered to stop them?" Myrtle was furious.

"Well, Hibari is scary and Arthur too." answered the stoic Stacy.

"Why are they fighting anyway?" Tsuna asked as he eyed his cloud guardian whom extended a handcuff to Arthur, which Arthur dodged.

"Kyo-san said it's a rematch." Kusakabe Tetsuya answered, secretly rooting for his boss.

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