2: The Disturbing Flight and the Unexpected Guests

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"Foreign Language"


Namimori High's Class 2-A was gathered in front of the school gate one Friday afternoon (after class). The rest of the second years already left five minutes ago via bus to their class trip destination, Kyoto.

"Okay, listen up!" called one Arthur Walker to gain the students' attention. "Our bus will be here in twenty minutes so I'll take the attendance.

He started calling names (I'm not going to put everybody's names okay? It's a pain to make up names for everybody else. That's okay right?). At the end of his roll call, "It's good that everybody made it. Now, Niche-sensei has an announcement!"

Niche stepped forward. She was bringing a fishbowl filled with rolled papers but to the eyes of those who were trained, they could feel and see the thick mist flames surrounding it. "In accordance to the request of our benefactors, we will be having seven guests from different year levels to join us."

She put her hands in the bowl and started to pick one. The guests were the following:

"Hibari Kyoya!"

"Hn. Herbevores, anyone who will tarnish the name of Namimori, will be bitten to death." most of the student population present shivered at this.

"Ren Smith!" said Ashtein Storm Guardian who was also a first year in Namimori High just bowed.

"Alfie Warren!"

"Why am I even here?" he was also a second year and was in Class 2-C.

"Sasagawa Ryohei!"

"KYOKUGEEEEN!!!!!!" cue covering of ears.

"Kira Ellis!"

"OH YEAH!!!!" another loud mouth.

"Stacy Martin."

"Tch! I'm only here because it's my damn duty okay?"

"And lastly, Rokudo Mokuro."

"Kufufufufufu, I'm only here for the sake of my Nagi." the students wondered why the creepiest man in school got picked.

(Mokuro transferred to Nami High, okay? Just think of it like that for the sake of this fanfic.)

"And that's it!" Niche took a deep breath and they resumed waiting for their ride.

Meanwhile, while that was going on...

"Enma, are you sure you're not going to let your guardians come?" asked Tsuna to his red headed best friend

"I am sure Tsuna-kun."

"And you too Thomas and Lexica."

"Tsu-kun, I think I understand their reason why." Myrtle gave her fiancé a sweet smile. "Our guardians will be coming to this trip for the sake of protecting the civilian students. Namimori will be a target to the enemies of Vongola when that happens. Enma's, Lexica's and Tommy's guardians will be protecting Namimori in our stead."

"Tsunayoshi-kun," Lexica called. "Namimori is your home. And with everything that happened, the least we could do is protect it in your stead."

"What they said Decimo." agreed Thomas.

"Okay, but daily reports must be submitted."

"You worry too much Tsu-kun. Let's just enjoy this trip!" Myrtle said with a glint in her eyes. Tsuna's Hyper Intuition flared at this.

Twenty minutes later, a bus with the Vongola Crest parked in front of the school gates (imagine the one Tsuna and his crew used during their trip in their OVA). Everyone boarded it with those related to the mafia seated at the back and one Hibari Kyoya to the furthest, after all, he hated crowding.

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