Chapter Thirty-Five

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Myrtle's POV

"The Vendice."

When I said those words, the room seemed to darken and the temperature slightly dropped.

"What?" Lexica questioned.

"Before I could strike your father dead, the Vendice stopped me and took him away." she sighed. "They were even nice enough to drop me off inside my father's office."

"You're saying-"

"Your father's still alive. He's just serving his sentence in Vendicare."

Right that moment, I felt the presence of my guardians and the rest of the people who came with me. And they have Tsuna too...

'Yukata.' I sighed in relief.

I took my attention back to Lexica who seemed really confused.

"Lexica." I heard Thomas call.

"I did all this, hoping to feel satisfaction because dad was taken from me. I thought he was dead. So I agreed to what everything mother said and wanted."

Lexica looked like she was about to cry. I saw Tommy walk towards her and started comforting her. Well, I think somebody already got over me.

A screeching sound was suddenly heard that we had to cover our ears. It was like a car trying to stop almost immediately, creating a screeching sound with its tires.

"Mic test. 1 2 3. Is this thing on?" a slight pause. "Hello everyone!"

"Mother?" Lexica questioned.

"Lexica, my child. That Ashtein girl is lying. She's trying to lure you away from your true objective. Now, who are you going to listen? Your mother? Or your father's murderer?"

The only thing I could say to the current head of the Kurata Clan was...



Who was she, Santa? That she had to laugh like that?

"Such ferocity, Ashtein Hepta. But my daughter is my pride. And she will destroy you!"

"Pride?" my head turned to Tsuna who was supported by Reborn. He slowly walked in my direction, albeit unsteady if I say so myself. "That's not how you acquire and use your pride. Pride is what you use to strengthen your will and protect those around you."

"We all have our own view of our pride, Vongola Decimo."

Tsuna reached me, and I had to catch him before he hit the floor, face first.

"Tsuna, daijubo?"

"Just a bit woozy, Myrtle."

I stared on his once brown eyes to now sunset orange eyes.

"You can't activate your flames?" I asked.

"Seems like it." he smiled. "Even though Reborn already got most of the drug out of my system."

"You were drugged?!"

"Oi lovebirds! Pay attention would you?" I heard the voice of the World's Greatest Hitman say.

Suddenly, the room seemed to darken even more, and I could hear the sound of chains. A moment later, a black circle showed up between Lexica and I. From there, black robed men and covered in bandages, came out. One particular figure stood out the most. He was the only one not covered in bandages.

"The Vendice." Tsuna said. I tried inserting some of my sky flames unto him to speed up his recovery. It mighy not work immediately like sun flames would, but it was worth a try. Plus a bit of healing magic.

"Vongola Decimo. Ashtein Hepta." said Bermuda with his deep voice.

It was my first time seeing Bermuda for the last six years. Back then he was still a baby wrapped in bandages. And now that I think about it, he looked a lot like someone I know.

"He looks a lot like Reborn." I muttered.

[A/N: Just so you know, I got the idea of making Bermuda as Reborn's look a like from ODDstar-san's story, The Mafia Teacher. I just want to clear that up if any of you somehow found the idea familiar. But the resemblance stops there, okay? Nothing more...]

"Yeah." replied my fiancé who was still a bit dazed. "The last time I saw him was two years ago. When we released the Arcobalenos from their curse. Seeing him again..."

Our eyes darted to Reborn who looked bloody pissed.

"Somebody better explain this before I start shooting someone." his killing intent was basically oozing.

"All in good time, former Sun Arcobaleno. But not now." he faced Lexica. "This man has finished his sentence in Vendicare."

A familiar looking man was dropped to the floor. He was skinny and unconscious, and I could see the rise and fall of his chest, so definitely alive.

"Sarabada." [That's 'goodbye', I think.]

The portal closed and the Vendice vanished with it.

"Daddy." muttered Lexica.

I could hear a grunt from the speakers. Well somebody's pissed off other than Reborn.

"You were saying? Madam Andrea Kurata." I hissed.

I noticed Tsuna's discomfort as he clutched his head.

"Tsuna, what's wrong?" I asked.

"My Hyper Intuition's ringing. Something bad is going to happen."

"This is not over yet! I still have my trumpcard!" Andrea Kurata laughed like a maniac. "I can't have my plans get messed up now, can I?"

"Mother, dad's here already. He's alive and he's back."

"Unfortunately. But I can't miss this oppurtunity slip past me. I suppose I should do it now. Lexica, listen to me."

"Lexica!" I heard Tommy's voice.

I noticed Lexica slackened. With my sharp sense of sight, and the help of a magic ability called Elemental Sight, I saw that her eyes were glassy and she seemed as dazed as Tsuna a while ago.

"Chess. Pieces. Knight. E4."

Black flames suddenly engulfed Lexica and Tommy had to get away. He scooped up the unconscious figure of Karl Kurata and went to our side. Karl Kurata was immediately attended by our sun flame users. I looked back at Lexica.

"So this is her trump card." I muttered. I felt Tsuna shift and he stood up on his own.

"I'm okay now." he said in an authoritative voice. "Thank you for the sky flames."

"And healing magic."

"That too."

"The flame of the night. It's a flame born from hatred and revenge."

"The same flame Bermuda had." he nodded. "Now what?"

"We have to help her Myrtle."

"Thought you wouldn't say that."

"Now Lexica. Kill Sawada Tsunayoshi and Myrtle Ashtein!"

"Yes Mother."

Lexica immeditely lunged at us.


Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!! It's time for the last battle to commence!!!!

Hey guys! What do you think???

Niche Bezarius

Note: Had to unpublish and re-publish it for some reasons... Gomen...

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