"Ha ha, very funny. Do you want to learn or not?"

"Oh yes, please enlighten us." I rolled my eyes. Pigs will fly before that ass can teach us anything.

He bent down and turned in a flash of the eye, turned into a plant taking the form of a tiger. "Rah" he said sarcastically.

Ok, so maybe I talked too soon on that one...

"Wow, who would have guessed you knew something. Is your brain sore? I know thinking is new to you." I smirked as he turned back into a human.

"I'll start listening to you when you can transform into fire." He smirked back. Looks like I'll be winning this battle...

I did as he said, and for thought that it was lucky I had watched videos on how to do it. Hey, don't judge me, even I can study sometimes. "Oh like this?" I asked in my fiery form.

He looked at me shocked, but quickly rearranged his facial expression into a smug one. "Turn yourself into a shape with your fire."

Well, fuck.

I turned back into a human and narrowed my eyes at him, "I hate you."

"Yes, because you’re such a gem to be around." Spring mocked.

"Fuck you." I cursed.

"Watch your language in my class Miss Chambers."

"Oh please. If you can look me in the eye right now and say that you haven't sworn once today," I said holding up my pointer finger, "I will never swear again."

Gasps were audible in the class. Me never swearing is a big deal and everyone knew it.

"I-ah-I-" He stuttered.

I looked at him knowingly. "Told ya!" I did a little victory dance. One more person I can outsmart. Yay!

"Can we please just start the class?" he rolled his eyes in defeat.

"In a minute, but first things first... where is it?" Chauntal pestered once again. I tried to withhold a groan but unfortunately it slipped out.

Spring rose an eyebrow, "Where is what Miss Peters?"

"The heart, no duh." She answered

He gulped and grabbed a hold of my arm. "Can I talk to you outside Lexi?" He didn't even give me a chance to answer before yanking me out the door and closing it behind him.

"What the hell?!" I asked, slipping my arm from his harsh grip.

"You told them!" He whisper-yelled.

"Yeah so what?" I asked rubbing my sore arm.

He started to pace back and forth chanting, "Oh no. nononono NO! He's going to kill me!"

After about the fifth time he said it, I stopped his pacing and spun him to face me. "Ok, who is going to kill you?"

"My father! You were meant to keep the heart safe!" He was trying to stay quiet but I could tell he was struggling. "Why do you think I’m here?"

"I don't know! To score some good points with your dad?"

"No, trust me, I don't want to spend any more time with you than I have to. I was sent here because I needed to protect the heart." He lectured

"Relax. No one knows Brittany has the other half." I tried to reassure him.

"Well at least that's one thing." He shrugged.

I sighed, "Look, this way if someone tries to steal my half, we can catch them red-handed without having to worry that they might become invincible."

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