Making friends

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Sam's POV
Mark and my dads were out, Jack was looking after me and Tim. I mean we are both 10, they could have left us buuut no! It was fine since we could just mess around on Jack and Mark's steam accounts. After a few heists on GTA 5 and getting destroyed on CS:GO we were bored!
"Jack, what can we do!" I complained
"Go on GTA!" He said, on his phone, probably texting Mark.
"We've finished it!" Tim said.
"No way!" He said. He walked into the room and saw the 100% circle. He walked out wide eyed.
"Ok....erm... CS:GO?" He said.
"No, you'll get smashed!" He said
"Yep!" I said
"Totally!" Tim said.
"Well... you can make a video!" He said.
"Hell yeah!" Said me and Tim, highfiving.

Jack's POV
They went off recording. I recorded a blog explaining the whole kid thing and why I've been lacking in videos!

"Hey guys! You've noticed the whole one video a month thing and my absence of videos! Well, Anti and Dark got a kid, well Anti as a kid from another world, then we did the same but with Mark! Sam is Anti and Dark's, Tim is mine and Mark's! If you can see they're recording a video!" I said sneaking in the room. Outlast 2 ha! They screamed at the sight of one of the jump scares.
"They're is a sneak peak! Well, I hope that's a good enough explanation l! Seeya guys!" I ended the video.

-That night-

Kids! Big step!
Nice outlast 2! Can't wait!
All comments! Good reactions!
Robin: the kids played outlast! Nice!
Me: I know! 10 and they're already youtubers!
I lay in bed with Mark.
"Dad! I had a nightmare!!!!" Said Tim at the door in a quiet voice.
"Ok! Try not to wake up Mark." I whispered. We call each other by our names because he calls us both Dad and it gets confusing. I walked him to his room. He lay there and I sat next to him and put my arm around him. He was back asleep in minutes. I got back in bed and slept myself......

Where's our Sanity.....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora