Dark, its me!

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Anti's POV

I've finally got control! Marks home let's see if I get get Dark to play... I walk in the room Mark sees the green and black eye and green tail that only shows when I'm here "Is Dark here or will I bring him out?" I said on a snake like tone
"No anti you don't need to do this!" He begged. He forgot fright brings Dark
Stop what did Mark do to you said the annoying little pest trying to save his boyfriend
Shut it or I'll make him go through more pain that shut him up
I pulled a knife from the draw and pushed him against the wall stabbing the knife into the wall near his head "Darky are you coming out or do you need some.... 'encouragement'"
I stabbed Mark in the leg and slowly reopened the cuts Dark lay upon his arm.He screamed for me to stop but I pushed further. I stabbed him in the knee and stopped as his eyes turned black and leaked a tar like ooze.
"Hello friend" I said
"Anti, you know how their feelings can come to us?" He asked
"Yes?" I said asking him to continue
"I think I love you" he said
"I was going to say the same thing Dark!" I said
Yeesh Anti get a room! Pestered Jack desperate to piss me off.
Maybe we will I said
Didn't think you were the love at first sight type he said
Look we are in love shut the fuck up he said
I could tell Jack and Marks spirits stayed in the living room since I left South Park on the TV.

Jacks POV
"Ugh those two are getting on way too well!" I said to Mark
"Well this apartment has two rooms" Mark hinted
"Not now Mark! Is there a way to separate them into a different body of their own?" I said
"Yeah we have to want it and they have to want it" said Mark. I walked to my physical body and said "Sorry to Interrupt you two, if you want to do this crazy-demon-weird as all hell makeout session by yourself just separate you and me" I said
He pulled away from a kiss and said "sure, Dark separate Mark as well" a body formed around me and I left the room. "Mark we are are own us" I screamed "I know" He giggled! We walked towards the bedroom. We hugged and kissed through the night......

A/N awwww how cute! great now see you guys next post!
(I might post later or tonight but weekdays are impossible for me due to homework etc.)

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