Septic Day Out

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Anti's POV
"So, I saw this thing on twitter-" I started
"Shipping!" Jack said
"Yeah, people shipping us!" I said
"Ha! No way! Still! After we got married! This is a thing!" He said
"I know!" I said. We pulled up at the shopping centre and headed for the one store we cared about- Game.
"Destiny 2! Preorder...... Southpark fractured butwhole! Preorder..... screw it I'm getting a switch!" Jack said grabbing the large box and placing it on the counter.
"Hey! Jacksepticeye! Hey David you won't believe this!" Said the guy at the counter.
"What- oh my god no way!" Said who I'm assuming is 'David'.
"Cool! Oh my god, Anti as well! Do you really have powers and shit!" Said the other guy.
"Yeah sure, I can do this!" I said, teleporting behind the counter.
"Nice!" Said David.
We took a picture, bought the switch and headed to a cafe. I paid for a coffee, so did Jack.
"So, Dark and Mark are doing something, 10 pictures, 9 off Dark, 1 off Mark!" I said.
"The ones off Dark are them on a rollercoaster, the one off Mark is him pointing at Dark's phone smashed on the floor after another rollercoaster!" I laughed, showing Jack.
"Ha! It would be funnier if he couldn't just magic another one with all the stuff on it!" He said.
"I can't believe I started off being your demon, we're like best friends now!" I said
"Yeah!" He said
"So! Me, Mark and Dark have been talking and we know it's your birthday tomorrow and we need to do some extreme stuff to get a present ready, let's go home!" He said
He took a wrong turn while driving he shrugged off my correction.

Mark's POV
"Hey welcome home!" I said to a confused looking Anti. I pushed the button on the elevator and we all got in. I walked him to our new penthouse home.
"We weren't really at a theme park, we were moving stuff!" Dark said.
"Oh my god guys! This is epic!" Anti freaked out over the extreme gift! We knew we needed a new apartment since the old one bared bad memories for everyone.......

Where's our Sanity.....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora