Chapter 9: One Such Wonder

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^gratuitous joker pic, 6 more below...

***Ok quick warning if you hate my author's notes, you'll despise me for this, but there's some good pics of Joker in there I promise just hold on***

I'M ALIVE, IT'S FINALLY HERE, oh my GOD it's finally here and tbh I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but my God, it'll have to do. If you haven't noticed, it's been well over a month since the last update, and I could not apologise more for it. Writer's block is my worst, sworn enemy. Suppose the near-ending of this chapter is my apology.

Thank you, all of you, for being so patient and kind and understanding with these slow updates. I honestly love you all so much, I don't quite have the words for it- you all amaze me. From kind comments to responses on my profiles, to just being plain cool, I could not tell you all enough how grateful I am for how GOOD you guys are. I was honestly expecting a bombard of 'update pls' 'did u abandon ur fic' 'where's the next update' 'i'm bored kys' 'jared leto was better anyway' 'did u die' comments but instead all I've had is positivity and understanding, which I could not thank you enough for. I was so afraid that by the time I updated this, you would've all forgotten me, or forgotten this fic, or just simply didn't care because I'd left it for so long- and it genuinely stressed me out- but nonetheless, all your comments and support give me confidence. You all keep me sane lmao :')

So anyway, here it is, and I hope you enjoy it. It's SO long, the longest chapter yet. The first half is mediocre. But I've worked on it for days and hours and days and hours, so I need to just fuckin rest for a minute. Maybe I'll come back to this published version and edit and tweak a few things, which will be best in the long run, I think.

I've also been messing around with like graphic editing a little, so I've made a new cover for Apples- again, with Raven Lyn on the front (please check her insta, theravenlyn), so tell me what you think of that, too!! (She's legit like, MY PERFECT June. I remember when I first saw her pic somewhere on Tumblr and actually gasped in awe, because it was ACTUALLY June. Gorgeous tbh)

But for now, enjoy the chapter, comment what you think, where I've lacked, where I should improve- and please, be honest, because I honestly appreciate every comment, criticism or just compliments, and it really encourages me to keep working. God bless you guys you fuckin rock my dudes- take my personal fav pics of Joker as payment please I beg you:

^Personal #1 fav, like, looking so good, daddy af, dominant and confident; he's in jail but does he give a damn?? Nahhh

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^Personal #1 fav, like, looking so good, daddy af, dominant and confident; he's in jail but does he give a damn?? Nahhh

^Personal #1 fav, like, looking so good, daddy af, dominant and confident; he's in jail but does he give a damn?? Nahhh

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UNDERGOING REWRITE // Apples [Ledger Joker x OC]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora