Chapter 3: Mutilation, Slaughter & the F-Word

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Video: 'Footloose' by Kenny Loggins, not important at all but Joker references it here, so it's there in case anyone doesn't know and is wondering :)
Disclaimer: Uncensored mention of the word 'f*ggot' early on in this chapter- I don't condone the use of that word and again, it is said by an antagonistic character. Also I don't censor curse words because I feel it breaks the authenticity and flow of the writing; it's almost like fourth-wall breaking and personally, I feel like it breaks the immersion. Sorry if anyone's offended by this word and thanks for reading!!


Chapter 3: Mutilation, Slaughter & the F-Word

She ate a chocolate bar before lunch to calm her nerves but ended up feeling sick; poor regrettable Juniper Stoltz. By the time it'd hit 12:55 p.m. she'd completely forgotten about her lunchtime session with the Joker, then spent the next four minutes in panic once she remembered, in which she then ate the chocolate bar. Walking from her office to the Joker's cell- where she'd then have to escort him to the cafeteria with a guard present- she told herself that hey, maybe this just isn't my day. Wednesdays are in the middle of the week, so maybe my head's just in a scramble. Looking too forward to the weekend, she suspected.

Walking through the intensive treatment ward, June looked again at the number scrawled on the back of her hand. 425. The Joker's cell. Getting there was simple enough, just a quick detour past the cafeteria and down the corridor, but once she heard the echoing laughter of Colter around the corner, she knew she was in for the longest two minutes of her life. Surely enough, there he was, stood outside cell 425 talking to another identically broad-shouldered brute, evidently talking about the new patient that had arrived the night before. June had only just managed to catch a glimpse of it on that morning's news broadcast, but word was that the GCPD had found Poison Ivy and recaptured her after her last escape attempt. There was something about vicious plant life spontaneously growing on the shores of Downtown Gotham near the slums which must've given her away, but June had yet to see Ivy being escorted to her cell- that was, if she hadn't been transferred already. In which case, congratulations Arkham, this is the fastest work you've done in your life.

Colter guffawed obnoxiously as his hands drew the outline of a bodacious feminine figure to the other guard and stupidly nodded. "Yeah, man, she's got, like, these hips and legs for days. And I mean days."

The other guard raised a brow and crossed his arms, "Don't she got, like, green skin or something? Is that actually true? 'Cause Benny in extreme isolation said--"

"Yeah, well fuck what Benny says. Benny's one'a them, uh... faggots, whatever you call 'em."

June's brows raised as she heard the slur leave his disgusting mouth and she found yet again another reason to despise Colter more than she already did. Misogynistic, ignorantly racist and homophobic. Put that on your Tinder profile.

"But Ivy, like..." Colter took a moment to snicker, licking his thin lips, "She's got like..." In a vulgar attempt to describe her he brought his hands out to his chest and mocked squeezing, "...y'know, man... jugs... like huge ones, know what I'm sayin'?"

Enlightened, the other guard's eyes lit up and he nodded, "Ah, yeah, I get ya, I get ya."

Just as June approached the cell, the conversation took an abrupt stop when Colter spotted her over the other guard's shoulder, and his expression remained the same- idiotically lustful. As she clenched her clipboard Colter made a show out of moving the guard out of the way and approaching her, waving a gargantuan hand her way. "Hey, baby. How come you're here during lunch hours, huh? Missed me?"

UNDERGOING REWRITE // Apples [Ledger Joker x OC]Where stories live. Discover now