Bad Reputations - Alek's Proposal

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"No, not roses, they have to be orchids.  Also, those are the wrong color, why are they the wrong color." Alek stared at the bright pink. roses in dismay then turned his glare to me, his best friend.

"Hermano, callate. Shit will be fine. I don't know why it matters, she's going to say yes." I got hit for my effort to calm him and absently rubbed at the spot on my arm where he punched me.

"Fine, I'll go to the fucking store AGAIN to buy the orchids. Just remember, you owe me after this because I took time out of my very busy day to help you plan this out and set it up."

Alek snorted, "Busy day? You mean trying to choose between the ex who broke your heart years ago or new hot girl you've not shut up over?"

"That makes me plenty busy. I have to get a girl of my own so some day I can bug the shit out of you to help me propose."

"But seriously, those are the wrong color," he stated, ignoring me completely.

"I know," I stressed through gritted teeth. "Was it not enough that I pulled strings to get the place, hung up lights, made the excuses to get her here. I mean, I lied through my ass and she once told me that the second I lied to her, I was going to pay with my blood. Now, I don't know about you but I like my blood. In my body. I took the risk of bodily harm to help you."

"Yeah yeah, thank you. Now shut up and go. I have to finish up the meal and set up the table."

"You're so whipped," I teased with a smirk and he sent me a filthy grin back.

"Only when I been bad," was his somewhat disturbing retort.

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