Stiles narrows his eyes at Scott's comment. "Are you saying the breakup was inevitable? That we were never going to last?" Stiles hisses, venom clear in his voice.

"N-no, of course I'm not saying that!" Scott protests indignantly.

"Well, it sure sounds like it." Stiles snaps. He can feel an energy fizzing inside of him and his body start to heat up, ready to shift into a phoenix. Stiles takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I am Malia's anchor, Scott. We will always have a connection. I just wish it could have been through a romantic relationship. I still love her and I think I always will." Stiles informs Scott.

The werewolf feels a pang of jealousy strike through his heart, clouding his better judgement. "Yeah, well, she's not your anchor." Scott snaps harshly, realizing too late the consequences for what he just said. There is deadly silence for a few moments as Scott's remark sinks in.

This snaps something inside of Stiles once again, his sadness, anger, fear, heartbreak and loneliness rising to the surface, blending into one huge mixed up emotion. Stiles grips onto his phone tightly as his eyes start to glow orange. "You're right, Scott. I don't have an anchor, but does that mean that I don't get to love anyone? Look at you. Your anchor is dead, yet you are still pursuing love. Although, your pursuit seems to be unsuccessful for you at this time." Stiles retaliates, growling slightly at the end.

"Stiles, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Scott apologizes hopelessly.

"Then what did you mean, Scott?" Stiles asks suspiciously. That you're my anchor too, just like Allison was, and that I love you so much. I'm sorry for letting jealousy get the better of me, Scott thinks to himself. However, he knows it's not the best idea to say these things out loud. He doesn't want to upset Stiles even more. "I... um..." Scott mumbles, not really sure what to say.

Stiles scoffs and rolls his eyes at Scott's weak response over the phone. "You know what? I made the wrong choice in calling you. I thought you were going to help me feel better about the breakup and calm me down for the full moon that is coming up in a couple of days, but I guess I was wrong." Stiles answers, shaking his head slightly.

"Oh, and by the way, what happened between us in Mexico was just a panic attack. You just stopped me from having a panic attack and possibly burning the whole building down to the ground. It does not mean anything more than that. I don't want to talk about this again." Stiles adds in a cold voice before abruptly hanging up the phone, leaving Scott in a state of shock, horror, confusion and heartbreak.

Stiles screams loudly, letting his emotions consume him for a bit. He places his phone down carefully, not wanting to break it. His dad would be annoyed if he broke yet another phone within the span of a few weeks. Stiles tugs the ends of his hair tightly as he screams and cries, dropping to his knees on the floor. He can feel his teeth starting to lengthening into fangs, but Stiles concentrates as hard as he can to not let the shift get any further. Eventually, he collapses to the ground, exhausted from the screaming and crying. Thankfully, his eyes fade back to brown and his fangs retract back into normal human teeth as Stiles lies on the ground, bawling his eyes out. If this is how he is reacting now, he wonders how much worse it could get on the night of the full moon since he has no caring and loving girlfriend, no comforting mother, no anchor to save him from becoming an uncontrollable storm and is upset with his best friend.

"Please, Mom... tell me how to find my anchor. I need them now more than ever. I feel so lost and alone." Stiles whimpers through his tears, even though he knows that there will be no reply. Little does Stiles know that his anchor is not actually as far away as he thinks, desperately wanting to help Stiles and is completely in love with him. The question is whether or not Stiles will ever figure out who his anchor is.

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