Truths Revealed -31-

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"I'd ask you how he was doing," Remus sighed, as they went downstairs to the living room. "But honestly, I think I have a pretty good idea that it isn't so pretty."

Sirius nodded. "It took enough time for him to even talk to me. He still relapses into that seemingly mute behaviour when he's scared. My guess is he wasn't allowed to talk, so he's settling for body language."

"That's sick!" Remus burst out vehemently. "He was a child, who the hell does that to a child?"

"I don't know. It isn't so surprising right now. He was just nine when they raped him. They'd been sexually assaulting him for two or three years before that. Compared to that, being forced not to talk doesn't really count for too much, but obviously, what was done to reinforce that rule was simply horrible."

"Merlin... If James and Lily came to know..."

"James is a fucking bastard for what he did. Imagine how much Harry would have wanted to meet him. And to top off everything, he disowned the child."

"Lily gave him one hell of a lecture this morning. I don't think I've even heard of some hexes she used." Sirius barked a laugh; how very like Lily!

"I'm more surprised that he warmed up to you so quickly," Sirius admitted frankly.

"My guess is he's good with animals. The wolf didn't recognise him as a packmate until later, it just wanted to go over and protect him. It surprised even me."

"That's probably the entire Paidi situation playing into view, then..." Sirius muttered under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what situation?" Remus sounded amazed.

"The Katharo Paidi. Palysmo told me about it, and it's honestly disturbing that he should be the one."

"And I thought you were paying attention during our History of Magic classes." Remus shook his head.

"Shut up." Sirius shoved him playfully. "How are you getting along with your son? I hear he's a Marauder?"

"Don't even start on that. Outside of a few vicious pranks, the only noticeable characteristic is that he simply adores Harry. Can't say a single word wrong about the kid, or Teddy throws a right fit. Apparently, we're not allowed to call Harry sweet either - he's either brave or kind or fun. Or whatever else happens to be approved by that little menace of an angel."

A scream rang out from above them, and both men ran up the stairs. There was only one person that it could be, and they knew how bad his memories were.

"Harry!" Sirius reached him first, pulling the boy out of the duvet and holding him close reassuringly.

Remus sat beside Sirius and began to knead his hair softly, his knuckles pressing gently against his scalp before springing back in a constant rhythmic motion.

Harry's eyes flew open. He was sweating, and it took him a full minute to recognise his surroundings. Unable to bear the thought of lying down, he held onto Sirius' sleeve gently, trying to pull himself up.

Sirius helped him sit up, but Harry was still shaking. He curled into Sirius' side, trembling violently, and even though Harry trusted him, Sirius was cautious as he wrapped one arm tenderly around his pup. Remus looked worried, but didn't try to touch Harry.

It took nearly half an hour of silent cuddling, before Harry relaxed a bit. He stopped quivering, and sighed, as he leaned more comfortably against his godfather. Immensely relieved, Sirius ruffled his hair gently. Remus let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding in, as he patted Harry's back soothingly.

"Pup, do you want to tell us about your nightmare?" Sirius asked, noticing how close the boy was. Harry still had the tendency to avoid physical contact.

Harry glanced nervously at Remus before nodding. Sirius was there, he was fine. Remus smiled.

"D-Dudley was chasing me. So I went out to the yard, and I couldn't get away, and somehow I ended up on the roof. It was accidental magic, even I had no idea how it happened, but one of the Muggle neighbours went and told Uncle Vernon that I flew up there. He was so mad, he even told Dudley to gather his friends and - and they beat me up. I don't think they ever used a cane before that, but they did that day. I don't... I don't remember much except that I couldn't stand up properly for a whole week," Harry spoke softly.

No sooner had he finished, than he stiffened and gasped in pain. Remus quickly got his shirt off with a wave of his wand. Harry whimpered, lifting a hand to his head, which was throbbing like it had been kicked. Sirius was surprised when not many bruises formed on his back, and spelled off his jeans worriedly.

His suspicions proved to be right when several ugly red, purple and greenish lines formed on the back of Harry's legs, unmistakable marks of a cane. Remus was sickened, but he summoned the required potions and Sirius dabbed them on the marks as they came. Noticing that Harry was holding his head, Remus left Sirius to tend to the injuries on his legs, while he inspected the boy's skull. Blood was trickling down from one side through his untidy hair, and he winced, whimpering in pain as Remus touched the area gingerly. Casting an Aquamenti to clean off the blood, he gently pressed a clean cotton flannel to the wound.

Harry struggled to rein in his breathing. His face was blotched with tears, pain was etched into every last contour, but he somehow found it relieving, even in the pain, that Sirius was there. He only barely registered Remus' presence, and it was a long while before he finally relaxed. The two Marauders sat back, with Harry sprawled haphazardly over Sirius, eyes closed.

"Isn't there any other way around this?" Sirius asked his best friend quietly.

"None that I know of."

If those words sounded grim, they both didn't want to think of what it was going to be like.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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