Truths Revealed -4-

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The adults were slightly apprehensive, despite their Disillusionment Charms, when the Golden Trio entered the unused girls' bathroom on the second floor, with no hesitation whatsoever while doing so.

Once safely in, Harry and Ron threw off the Cloak, and Hermione dispelled the Charm on herself. Harry leaned towards the familiar snake-head tap.

~Open~ He hissed, and the entire pillar shifted, moving up to reveal the dark, wide tunnel beneath it.

Unbeknownst to the teens, the resurrected adults followed them stealthily. While all three - Harry had gone first, followed by Ron, then Hermione -had landed with sickening crunches, the former Aurors had the presence of mind to use Cushioning Charms, thus preventing themselves from being noticed.

"Lumos," Harry, Ron and Hermione spoke together, walking further into the tunnel, to the hall.

The great Basilisk lifted its head, looking straight at them, before moving closer to the black-haired teen.

~ I believe you have questions, young speaker of the ancient tongue? ~ Harry very nearly choked, but managed to recover himself, and nodded quickly.

~ Ask away, for I am the reincarnate of Lord Morte, and have existed from the beginning of time. I am the scribe of the history of the world. ~ The Basilisk hissed.

"Hey, mate," Ron said, effectively catching his attention. "A translation couldn't hurt, right?"

"Ron!" Hermione snapped, pointing at a parchment in front of them. "It's getting translated onto this!"

"Wicked." Ron grinned, rolling his eyes.

"I took out Forge's idea of Self-Writing Parchment. It just took a little messing with the charms to get it to translate," Harry shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the snake, who was watching the interaction.

~ Are these the friends you had since first year, young speaker? ~ The Basilisk asked, eyeing them curiously.

~ Yes. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. ~ Harry replied, also looking over at his two closest friends.

~ At last, I meet you in person, Harry Potter. I have been quite curious about you, ever since you gained that interesting scar. Also, that you not only managed to wield Gryffindor's sword, was an incredible feat. However, I must say what impressed me most, was the fact that a mere twelve-year-old, with most of his magical core blocked, killed my son, Irnovich. ~ All three of them stared for a moment, before Harry finally found enough courage to reply to the snake.

~ I didn't have a choice in killing Irnovich. What you said is mostly things I know, but I don't understand the part about my core being blocked. ~ By the look on her face, Hermione didn't seem to know about it either.

~ Relax, amigo. I do not blame you, for the killing of my son, nor your ignorance of the blocks. Irnovich was asking for disaster, from the moment he agreed to follow Tom Riddle. As for your blocks, it has nearly been a century since anyone's core has been blocked, not to mention to such a great extent, as well as from such a tender young age. I am frankly surprised that you managed accidental underage magic with all of those blocks cast on you since you were one year. ~

"Harry, ask him who cast the blocks. And if there's any way we can remove them," Hermione whispered.

~ Do you know who put those blocks on me? And how I could maybe get them removed? ~ Harry asked.

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