Truths Revealed -22-

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Sirius woke up to a bloodcurling scream. He threw off the covers, grabbing his wand as he rushed to Harry's room, every last trace of sleep completely vanished.

Harry was thrashing under the thick duvet, and while Sirius was slightly relieved that he hadn't been attacked, he was worried nonetheless. Nightmares had a horrible way of blowing apart self-esteem.

"Harry!" He got onto the bed, shaking his godson. "Pup, wake up! Harry, pup, shh, I'm here. I've got you."

Harry was more or less oblivious to Sirius. His dream was of the first nightmare he could remember...

"Who's the greatest wizard of all times?" James laughed as he tickled his 15 month old son.

"Dada!" Harry squealed with laughter.

"That's right," James grinned. "How about I prove it to you while Mama gets your baby food done, hmm?"

James gently lifted the boy onto the sofa. He took out his wand and began to make colored smoke erupt from it. Baby Harry cooed, trying to catch the clouds.

The door opened with an ominous creak. Lily came running in from the kitchen, James dropped his wand.

"Lily! It's him! Take Harry and run! I'll hold him off!"

Lily picked up her son, who was trying to get his father's attention, and ran upstairs. Harry laughed. His mother was not one to be rowdy and have fun, so he decided that he liked it when she ran, holding him.

Lily set Harry in his crib, bending down to his level. "Harry, Mama loves you. Dada loves you. You're loved, Harry. Harry be safe. Stay strong, Harry."

Just as she stood up, Voldemort entered the room. He directed his wand at the infant, and Lily screamed.

"No! Not Harry! Please, I'll do anything!"

"Step aside, girl, step aside."

"Not Harry!" Lily stepped in front of her son as the blinding green light flashed and struck her. She crumpled to the floor, right before her child's eyes.

Harry looked at the stranger. He was holding a wand. Dada, Harry thought. Anytime now he would make his mother stand up and smile again. The figure approached and Harry saw what lay under the hood. Definitely not his father. He was scared by the blood red eyes. He started to cry. He wanted his mother.

There was another flash of green, and pain engulfed Harry as he began to scream. Vaguely, he could make out a voice, not belonging to him, scream as well.

"HARRY!" Sirius pulled Harry close, kissing his forehead, as the boy let out one final chilling scream.

Harry woke himself with the scream, panting. Never before had he dreamt of that night in such vivid detail. Sirius was holding him, and he calmed down a little.

"Pup? Are you alright now?" Sirius asked worriedly. Harry curled up closer to his godfather, still shaking.

"Harry, pup, talk to me please." Harry whimpered softly, and Sirius began to rub his back soothingly.

"Sirius." Harry breathed out, almost like a talisman.

"I'm here, pup, I've got you," Sirius said softly. He pulled Harry up, so that he was sitting in his lap. "Why don't you tell me about your dream then, pup?"

"It... It was the... the night they died," Harry said quietly, laying his head against Sirius' shoulder.

"Th- your parents?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded.

"Harry, they're not dead anymore. I'm sure your mom would love to talk to you, especially if it's going to set your heart at ease, even if it's about that night."

"No." Fear filled Harry's voice.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Sirius asked gently. "I know you're scared right now, pup, but of what?"

Deep down, Sirius was the only one Harry trusted with all his heart. He didn't know how he felt about anyone else yet, but he trusted Sirius. He didn't want to be sent back to the Dursleys, and even if there was no such fear, he would do anything for his godfather.

"She ran," he whispered miserably. "When Voldemort turned up, Father told her to take me and run. Mom never ran and - and I - I -" He broke down

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," Sirius soothed. "I'm here, right? We'll get through this together, mmkay?"

Harry hauled in a ragged breath and nodded.

"So then, what happened when Lily ran with you?"

"I... I.... I laughed." Of all the things that Sirius had expected, this was definitely not one of them.

A hundred and one thoughts filled his head. True, he could vouch for the fact that even he had never seen Lily run. Harry had barely been a year and three months when all this had happened, a baby. So he'd found it fun that his mother was running. What was so wrong in that? It's not like he could have known that they were in danger? Yet Harry, even now, he looked terrified. His eyes didn't look bright. They looked dulled, like they were tired and worn out.

"Listen to me, Harry, and listen well. You were a bare 15 months when that happened. I'll tell you the truth right now, you were very, very active as a baby. It's true that you could keep even James on his toes. Now, while I can relate to the fact that your mother is the complete opposite of rowdy, she would and has done everything in her power to protect you, okay? And you were just a baby when this happened. Of course, being as active and fun-filled as you were, you would find it entertaining that she was running with you. There's no way you could know that you - or her, for that matter - were in danger. I'm sure she didn't mind you laughing, she must have treasured that sound. But, if you're really so unsure, we can find out."

"Find out?" Harry whispered softly.

"Your mother sent me a note after you slept. She told me to call her if needed, no matter what ungodly hour of the day or night it was. Ron and Hermione, Remus, Ginny, Molly, Arthur and the twins sent similar notes. So, shall we call your mother? She can Floo here."

"But it's 1 AM.." Sirius shook his head.

"She won't mind, pup. I'll send her a quick Patronus, and make you some hot chocolate before she comes."

"Y-you're not mad?" Harry asked shyly.

"Why on earth would I be mad, pup?"

"I-I woke y-you up," Harry reminded, shrinking away.

"Harry, I don't mind. If you have a nightmare, then I'll always be right by your side. If by chance I don't wake up, and you had a nightmare or are unable to sleep, you're free to come to my room and wake me up. I never lock the doors as it is. You can always come to me, Harry, no matter what it is. For advice, someone to talk to, lessons, nightmare relief, a hug, whatever. I'll be there, you only need to come to me."

Harry stared at Sirius for a full second, before throwing his arms around the said man's neck. Sirius returned the hug instantly, wrapping his arms around the body that was far too thin for his satisfaction.

"Okay, pup, now just wrap that duvet about you. I'll go send that Patronus and make you your chocolate."

Harry gave a small smile as Sirius left, his fingers already tugging the warm duvet about his shoulders.

Truths Revealed जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें