Truths Revealed -29-

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Remus lay on the floor if the attic, gasping as he struggled to collect his thoughts. Sirius had given him the first memories of Harry's preschool, the sexual assault, the rape, and then the memory of where Ron had turned his back on them, and finally the one where Harry told Sirius about the Dursley's rule. He couldn't imagine what kind of sick person would use a child as a means to fulfill his sexual desires? How they had treated him wasn't just sickening, Remus found it downright revolting. Even Voldemort hadn't taken things that far with innocent little children!

Remus thought back to the past two days, where he was just starting to get to know his own son...

"Har- where's Harry?" Remus and Tonks smiled. Their son had come barrelling down from the boys' dormitory, apparently looking for his godfather.

"He's really tired so he's taking a little break," Remus replied. "We'll be going to live with him soon."

"But we're living here in Hogwarts." Teddy was confused. "Harry said Hogwarts was our home."

"Yeah, well, he's living with his godfather now, and we've been invited to start living there with them, at the end of this week," Tonks explained gently.

"Why do we have to wait a week?" Teddy pouted.

"They're just getting the place ready," Lily smiled.

"You're ... you're Harry's mom, right?" Teddy asked, as he changed his eyes from baby blue to dark gold.

"Why, how'd you know?" Lily was surprised.

"Cause you look like Ginny but you've got the same eyes as Harry and he talks about you a lot!"

"Aw, really? That's sweet of him!"

"Harry's not sweet!" Teddy cried indignantly.

"He's not?" Lily was rather amused

"No," Teddy confirmed, grinning.

"Well, what is he, then?" Remus asked.

"He's strong, and kind, and brave, and fun! He fought off this crazy lady with frizzy hair who came back from the dead. Well, he didn't kill her, 'cause she ran away! And he helped Winky to get over her old master's death, even though she's just an elf - don't tell Hermione I said that! - and he's even friends with Kreacher and Dobby! And he even managed to prank Aunt Minnie! Ron said only really brave people would dare to do anything to her! And he stopped this weird Hufflepuff girl who was trying to get into one of the former Potions teacher's stores. He cast the Jelly-Legs Jinx on her and it was so funny! Aunt Pom even gave him points for that!" Teddy rambled excitedly.

Lily had cooed at the part about the elves, as had Tonks. Remus had fixated on the part with Bellatrix. Even James was grinning at the pranks. Severus miserably failed at masking his surprise, when he heard that Harry Potter defended his stores.

"Harry's really nice, huh?" Tonks said enviously.

"Yup! He didn't let this horrible Slytherin bully me either!" Teddy bounced about cheerily.

"What horrible Slytherin?" Severus growled.

"Harry said he was called Malploy." James and Remus grinned idiotically. "And he called me a wimp and other horrible stuff, so Harry turned into a Phoenix and bit him so hard, he ran away crying! Like, actually crying! Harry said his dad had been a horrible Death Eater, and that he wasn't so pushy now! Harry's cool!"

"Aw... But I'm cool too, right?" Tonks pouted.

"Yeah. But Harry's cooler." Teddy grinned.

"I'm your mother!"

"He's my godfather!" Teddy mimicked her tone.

"Well, why'd you like him so much, Ted?" James asked.

"'Cause Harry said he'd never leave me alone. Even if he isn't here now, it's okay 'cause I got you and Aunt Minnie and Hermione and all. Harry said if anyone tried to hurt me he'd send a Stinging Hex at them and rub Itching Powder into all the welts! That's so cool!"

"Not really, no," Remus said, wincing at the thought.

"It's good I don't have any uncles then," Teddy grinned. But everyone looked confused at that.

"What's wrong with having uncles?" Tonks asked.

"Harry had an uncle and he was horrible to Harry! And his cousin always fought with him! I'm fine with just Mom and Dad and Harry. I don't need uncles."

Lily's eyes filled. Tonks had a lump in her throat. Remus was touched by his son's sincerity. James couldn't find any words. Severus was gobsmacked.

"Alright honey. But you wouldn't mind calling me and your dad's friends Uncle, right?" Tonks finally asked.

"You mean like Uncle Arthur?" Teddy asked.

"Yeah. Something like that," Tonks grinned.

"Sure. That's not a real uncle it's just a title."

"Well? Are you going to stand around talking all day?" Remus laughed. "No pranks planned for today?"

"No point if Harry's gone. Hermione will find out, and she's horribly good at the Body-Bind. And the Levicorpus. And the Tongue-tying Curse. She transfigured my plushie into a spoon once! She's mean! I don't know why Ron even likes her!"

"Hey!" Hermione snapped as she came down. "I'm definitely not mean! Swapping my Sugar Quills for Vomit Quills - that's mean! I just returned the favor!"

"Well, I don't care. Harry says you're a cool witch, but you're just a meanie. Harry's cool. Not you."

Remus had been surprised by how enthusiastically his son had defended Harry. Now he knew. Harry had experienced the worst possible childhood, and would have done anything to spare Teddy that same pain. He was glad that he had named the boy godfather, yet at the same time, he felt so undeniably guilty for that.

Harry had been suffering since the time he was a mere child, yet all he had received was additional responsibilities and expectations. If he hadn't burdened Harry with Teddy, the boy might have enjoyed the last few months, at the very least.

Slowly, he picked himself up. He needed to go and see the boy who had instilled such loyalty into his son. He realised why Sirius was being so uncharacteristically overprotective and jumpy, who wouldn't be?

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