Truths Revealed -28-

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Everything that had happened on their little shopping spree had hit Harry like a ton of bricks, when he saw Sirius pay for the two First Class brooms. That, coupled with the memories of his uncle and cousin, that sprang unbidden to his mind, as well as the only slightly healed mindset, had him thoroughly confused, and he didn't know what was expected of him.

Sirius noticed how quiet he had been since the broom, but thought that maybe Harry was just tired from walking around. It was already noon, and he knew that they both were ready for lunch, even if Harry would never say it himself. He beckoned silently, and Harry obeyed a little too fast for his satisfaction, but he pulled him close all the same, carding his hair lovingly.

"What's wrong, pup?" he asked in concern, murmuring the words softly against Harry's hair. "Are you alright? Tired? Do you hurt anywhere?"

"N-no." Harry loved the attention, having someone to fuss over him, but he didn't know what would happen afterwards. And he hadn't lied. He wasn't tired or hurt, just confused.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Sirius was fighting to keep the panic out of his voice.

Harry looked up for a moment, wildly studying the stormy gray-blue eyes for a sign of anger, but all he was met with was concern, love and worry. Sirius couldn't figure out what Harry was looking for, but all he could see in the bright emerald eyes was fear, confusion and pain. He pulled the boy close once again, and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"It's okay, pup. It's alright now. You're safe, I've got you," he murmured gently.

"S-Sirius... Sirius..." Memories of the horrendous childhood he had endured flooded his mind, and he clung tightly to the older man's shirt, sobbing uncontrollably, whispering the man's name almost like a talisman, as if it would save him from the horrors playing in his head. Sirius' heart broke, then shattered, as he held his godson, cooing softly. He had no idea what to do. As much as he could protect the boy from the perils of the world, he was defenseless when it came to the tyrant memories that terrorized the boy's mind. Sirius could count on one hand the number of situations he had felt truly helpless, and this was turning out to be one of them.

"I've got you, Harry." His words came out choked with emotion, hoarse from the feelings that he was trying to stifle. He couldn't think of anything else to say, and his arms were wrapped as tightly around Harry as he could, keeping in mind that the boy was still not fully healed.

"D-don't send m-me b-back." Harry sobbed, pleading ardently. It tore Sirius apart. How could Harry even think - no, he didn't. He trusted Sirius, he was just insecure, Sirius decided firmly. This was no time to be judging his godson's words, he had to believe in Harry, and he did.

"I won't send you back, pup, I promise. Harry, please, pup, will you look at me?" Harry's head shot up so fast, almost as if he didn't want to give Sirius one reason to say he was disobedient.

"Let's go up to your room, pup. You must be tired, after all that shopping. We'll talk there." Sirius had noticed that Harry was leaning slightly against him, trying not to let Sirius realize it.

Sirius stooped quickly, pulling Harry close with one arm, he slid the other arm under the back of Harry's knees, and picked him up. The fact that Harry didn't protest at being carried like a little child was, in itself, evidence of just how deprived of affection he had been, and Sirius furiously bottled up all the tears that were threatening to fall. He had to be strong for Harry.

He put Harry down on the bed, sitting so that his legs dangled over the edge. Sirius sat in front of him, on the carpet, shifting his weight to settle on his heels. He tried to collect his thoughts, as he looked at the beautiful, scarred, broken, hurt, wary teen in front of him.

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