The End of the World: Sossusvlei, Namibia

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Author's note: Hello, everyone! Forgive the long absence but I've been busy on one of the most wonderful voyages of my life :). Can't wait to tell you all about it!

Want to read it in spanish? Head over to :)


I don't know where to begin

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I don't know where to begin. It's hard to write about Namibia, especially because I've nothing to compare it with.

Namibia in general, and Sossusvlei in particular, is like stepping into a different planet. Mars, to be specific. Everything has a reddish hue to it, the atmosphere seems thin, the sky far away, the distances immense. We could drive for an hour without seeing a change in the landscape.

We arrived to the Namib-Naukflut desert, an otherworldly monstrosity of a landscape

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We arrived to the Namib-Naukflut desert, an otherworldly monstrosity of a landscape. This is the entrance to Sossusvlei, one of the strangest places in the world, where everything seems to have died and solidified in a different age.

The expanse before us was gigantic – a never-ending scene of gravel and jagged mountains. At the end of the expanse: massive red dunes and the sort of resilient life that can survive in this barren place: ostriches. Yes, ostriches.

Namib-Naukflut is a staggering place – that sort of dreary (yet beautiful) scenery you'd expect to find after an apocalypse or massive extinction

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Namib-Naukflut is a staggering place – that sort of dreary (yet beautiful) scenery you'd expect to find after an apocalypse or massive extinction.

Wanderlust: A TravelogueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora