Chapter Six

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As I head to class, I worry about Jade. What will happen to her for hitting Leigh? Will she get detention? Will she be suspended? Or worse expelled. All because she stood up for me and had the guts to do something about Leigh's bullying. I can't help but think maybe this would have been avoided if I wore makeup, dressed better, had better self-confidence and stood up for myself more.

"Hey," I jump when I hear Luka's voice next to me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You were so lost in your thoughts you walked past the classroom," Luka tells me pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the door behind him. "You have Italian, right? Jade told me."

I nod "Yeah, thank you," I say heading into the classroom. Luka follows behind me and we find two seats next to each other in the middle of the room.

"What were you daydreaming about?" he asks as he pulls his books out.

"Nothing," I say with a shrug. "Just worried about Jade."

"She'll be fine," Luka says looking at me with a serious expression on his face that tells me I am in big trouble. "Why didn't you tell me Leigh was still bullying you?"

"You've been away for a year, Luka," I say with a slight shake of my head. "We may have emailed and stuff, but I didn't want to worry you and there wasn't anything you could do all the way from Greece."

"I could have done something, A," Luka says exasperated with me for not telling him. "I may have been in Greece, but I still would've listened to you while you ranted about what an evil person she is."

"I know. I'm sorry okay," I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "Mostly I ignored it. Today was an exception."

"Next time she does it and I'm not around tell me. Okay?" Luka asks more calmly.

"Hopefully there won't be a next time, but I will. I promise," I reply before turning to the front of the room as the teacher walks in.

"With Leigh there is always a next time," Luka mutters so quietly I almost miss it. I can't reply because Mrs. Schounfall calls the class to attention ending all conversation. When the bell rings at the end of class I pack up my stuff and near run out of the classroom. As I head to my second last class of the day, my phone vibrates in the front pocket of my bag. I pull it out knowing it will either be my Aunt or Jade since they are the only two who message or call me.

I look at it and see that it's a text from Jade.

Jade: Your coming over tonight. We're watching "She's the Man" and "Wild Child."

Aphrodite: What happened with Mr. Whitman?

Jade: He suspended me for three days. I'll be back at school next Wednesday. Are You In?

Aphrodite: I thought you would be in major trouble with your parents for getting suspended.

Jade: Nope, they were sick of the way Leigh has been treating you too. Olivia told them what she was doing to you. Don't forget to bring cupcakes. Oh, and Macarons please.

Aphrodite: I'll be there at four thirty. Have the popcorn and drinks ready.

Jade: Will do.

I slip my phone back into my bag just as I reach the woodwork theory room. I put my bag down at the table I sit at and make my way over to the cupboard that holds all of the drawing equipment that a person could ever need for their designing needs and wants. Pulling out the things I will need to work on my design for class, I sit back down and set about sketching a lovely wooden clock with a flower design. It'll be placed in my cubby house I'm making for my ultimate project. I work quietly while the rest of the class trickles in, followed by the teacher, Mrs Bannon. I put my pencil down and look to the front of the room.

"Now, everyone, I want you to get working on your major final projects. Remember that this is for fifty percent of your grade and that I will take everything into account for this. Not just your finished project but your design, your work log and proposal. You may start working now," Mrs Bannon tells us before sitting down at her desk and works on the paperwork sitting on her desk. I get back to my clock design which is mostly finished and put the finishing touches on it and work on the design for one of the biggest projects I'll ever do. I take most of the class to get the design just the way I want it but when I'm done, the design is what I want. It is simple but lovely with a small verandah, flower beds, and a small patio table to sit next to it on the outside. A small kitchen made from an old school desk frame and a pair of small wood chairs to sit on and the clock I designed earlier that will hang on the wall above the door on the inside. I know it might be tricky to make but I know I have at least nine months to work on it. I'll do the work log at home so I can use all my class time to work on it. I show my design to Mrs. Bannon and she says she loves the idea and can't wait to see how I do it. Just then the bell rings and I pack my stuff away and get ready to go home for the day.

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Author's note:
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for being M.I.A for awhile. I have been really busy lately. I've trying to update but I've been working on this chapter in my spare time among other things. I have a couple of things to say in this Author's note.
1. I DO NOT condone handling bullies with violence. If you are being bullied tell a teacher and a parent. Always tell them every time it happens.
2. I've decided to enter this in the watty awards. I hope everyone will support me in this.
3. I've made a book trailer for Aphrodite's Beauty. It's not the best (it was my very first attempt at something like this.) but if you want me to post please let me know.

Now for the dedication in this chapter. I'm dedicating this chapter to FreedomHasan I would just like to say please don't let people telling you not to publish your books because it has mistakes. Mistakes happen they are apart of life and can't be avoided and if they were to look at any professionally published book they will find that even those ones have mistakes.

And as always please vote, comment and share with your friends.

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Author's note 2:

I have take the original chapter six and combined it with the end of chapter of five as both the previous versions of those chapters was very small.

I hope everyone enjoys this newest chapter.

I have a question for everyone. Would anyone like to see a bonus chapter from Reed's point of view? Please let me know if you would.

As always please vote, comment and share with your friends.

Edited: 11/09/2018

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