Chapter 74: (Y/N) and Vegeta vs Cella Final Round

Start from the beginning

(Meanwhile in heaven).

Goka was watching what was going on back on earth, you and vegeta kicking the shit out of cella and knocking out Gohan.

Goka:"sighs" when I said take care of Gohan for me, I didn't mean for him and vegeta to knock him out like that.

Back on earth, the battle ragged on as Cella was being donated. Mr. Satan and the other people were all hiding in separate places. As Cella tried to get up, you shot a dragon pulse so strong that it blew some of cella's pieces off and made her slide across the ground once more.

Cella: d.....damn it!

She regrew her parts back once again and the powdered up. She started to charge a Kamehameha.

Cella: I have had enough! I'll blow up this Entire Solar System!

Frieza: doublet it.😐

Cella: grrrrrrrrrrrr! Now You All Die!!!!

She fired her Kamehameha. Vegeta quickly retaliated with a final flash. The blasts collided but it was starting to push Vegeta's back a bit.

Vegeta: d......damn!

Cella: die! Die!

She adds more power to it.

(Y/N): don't think you've won just because of your stealing of techniques!

You fired a full power hyper dragon breath next to Vegeta's final flash and the beams mixed with each other to grow into an even bigger blast that cella's.


(Y/N): this is for Trunks!

You and Vegeta's attack overpowered cella's and engulfed her inside the blast.

Cella: Ahhhhhh!!!!!

An enormous explosion appeared which was so big, it could be seen from space. You and vegeta looked around for cella.

(Y/N): where is she?

After all of the dust cleared, you both saw Cella still alive but critically damaged as she was missing one arm and leg as well as damaged wings and crown. She was stating to regrow her parts but that's when vegeta stepped on her face.

Vegeta: go head and regrow your damn parts! But it won't save you!!!

Cella:, don't kill me please!

Vegeta: beg all you want!

Vegeta made a ki blast appear in her hand. She was about to fire it at Cella until frieza stepped forth.

Frieza: wait.

You both looked to frieza.

(Y/N): she killed out child!

Vegeta: so give us a good reason why we should!

Frieza: think about it, I have killed millions of people back in my days. What Cella did, was only half worse than what I've done. Yet you both still let me live. Besides, there's a more worse punishment for her than death.

Vegeta: and?

Frieza: the same punishment you gave me but worse.

Cella turned pale.

(Or at least anymore pale her face could get).

Vegeta: very well.

Cella started to shiver.

Cella: no, not that!

(Y/N): we will make it hurt!

That's when you sensed something.

(Y/N): what the?!

Vegeta: what the hell is that power?!

(Y/N): I'll go check it out, vegeta and frieza, you know what to do with Cella.

You flew off, but logan soon flew after you.

Logan: another problem already?

As you both left, vegeta and frieza smirked at the still injured Cella.

Cella: ep!

You landed in the spot where you felt the energy come from. Once you did, you saw a familiar face.

(Y/N): M........MewTwo?!

A/N: ah shit

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