Chapter 10

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"I think I have a great idea." He said rubbing his hands together.

I narrowed my eyes at Shadow. "What's this idea?"

"I say we kick Jade out of the band. She isn't even that good of a guitarist. She's decent, but your way better! It was would be a great thing for the band." Shadow's smirk told me that he wasn't going to back down on this one.

"That's a great idea bro!" Lex said with a huge smile. He hugged Shadow and then ran over to me and gave me a hug. "But how are we going to kick Jade, Rage's girlfriend, out of Rage's band?" He asked mid hug.

"Do you remember Rage said he would do anything to make this band better to get big?"

Lex nodded his head.

"Well, this would make us better and help us get big. He can't say no." Obviously Shadow had already thought this through.

"Well I'm good with this plan. If Jade doesn't like it, then it's too damn bad for her." When I said Jade's name, I said it like it was the most disgusting word in the world.

"That's the spirit!" Lex said letting me go.

I just smiled at him.

========================Skipping to the Next morning!====================================

"Bree, get up!" Lex's soft voice whispered from the darkness.

"Huh? What time is it?" I asked, my voice sounding really gravelly from not using it.

"It's 10am, and I know your hanging out with Kyle today, so I thought you might want to be woken up so you could get ready." the lamp beside my bed was turned on and I quickly covered my eyes with my hand.

"Thanks Lex. I probably wouldn't have got up until 12 if you wouldn't have woken me up." I said as I blinked a million times to try get my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness.

"Your welcome. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" He asked as he started to walk out of the room. I think Lex might be the sweetest guy I know.

"No thanks Lex." I smiled.

"Okay." He smiled as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I sighed and swung my legs out of bed. I swiped my phone of the night stand and turned it on. There was a text from Kyle.

From: Kyle :D

Good morning! Soo... I was thinking we could go swimming today and then a movie/sleep over here? We kicked He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named out :D

I quickly replied saying that sounded great and I couldn't wait to hang out with him. Before he could reply I set my phone back onto the night stand and grabbed some clothes out of my new closet. It was giant. I loved it.

After I grabbed the clothes, I had a quick shower across the hall, blow dried my hair, straightened it, and then put on my bathing suit and clothes.

I threw some pony tail holders on my wrist so I could put my hair up when we went swimming and decided my outfit was done. Simple yet nice.

I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my room, throwing some clothes in a bag as well as my make-up, money, and a different pair of shoes. When I figured I had enough clothes, shut the bag, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs for some food.

"You staying over at Kyle's tonight?" Shadow asked looking at the bag. I nodded my head. "Is Rage there?" He sneered his name.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p', "They kicked him out." I said as I sat my bag down on a chair and started looking through the fridge.

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