Chapter 5

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"Jade, Lex, and Shadow are here!" Jacob yelled up the stairs to me and Rage.

"Guess I'm leaving." Rage sighed as he stopped kissing me.

"Alright, be smart Rage. I swear to god I will-" I was cut off by his lips.

"Bye babe." He smiled as he skipped out of the room. I just laughed and shook my head at him. I grabbed a cig from my bag and stuff it in my bra along with a lighter.

"KYLE!" I yelled from the top of the stairs. He came running.

"What's wrong?!" he asked, really out of breathe.

"Wanna have a cig with me on the roof?" I asked with a smile.

His expression went from worried to pissed in 0.001 seconds. "That's why you screamed my name like you were being killed?"

"Yep, now are you coming or not?"

"Yeah. I'm coming." He grumbled as he pushed past me into his room to get a smoke. I walked in after him and took the screen off the window and opened it, and then threw some of the pillows off of Kyles bed out the window.

"WHY YOU TAKE MY PILLOWS?!" He yelled at.

"Do you wanna sit on the hard roof?" I asked.


"Then the pillows stay out here." I said as I crawled through the window. Kyle crawled out after me and we both sat down on the pillows and lit our ciggs. Neither of us said anything for awhile. It was just quiet. But not in an awkward way though.

"So what was with Blake last night?" Kyle asked.

"Hoenstly, I don't have a fucking clue. He was acting normal, and then all of a sudden he was all weird." I said. I still couldn't understand his performance last night. He was just, for lack of a better description, fucked up.

"And I thought me and him could be friends." Kyle frowned and shook his head.

"You and him would have been great friends I think. He was exactly like the guys, but last night he was just... off."

"It wasn't just last night he was... look who's walking down the back alley and staring at us." I looked where Kyle said to and sure enough there was Blake walking down the back alley staring right at me and Kyle.

"Jeezes christ. What's his problem?" I groaned as I pulled my phone out of my shorts pockets.

To: Blake

Why the fucking hell are you doing staring at me and Blake?

I quickly sent the text.

"To Blake?" Kyle asked. I just nodded and continued to glare daggers at the black and orange haired boy.

My phone buzzed and I quickly flipped it open.

From: Blake

I'm so sorry for last night! Can I come explain? P.S look at me right now.

I looked up from my phone to see Blake kneeling in the middle of the back alley in a pleading position. I rolled my eyes and texted back telling him to come to the edge of the roof. He quickly hopped the fence to Kyle's yard and then came to the edge.

"What was your problem last night?" Was the first and only thing out of my mouth. I sat down on the edge of the roof with my feet dangling over the edge.

Blake rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what came over me last night. I really don't. It's just, I haven't really been the same since Carm... you know... and it was just really bad last night, and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry, and it will never happen again." He took a deep breath and looked me straigh in the eyes.

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