Chapter 6

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The music started and I instantly recognised the song. "Not Good Enough for Truth In Cliche" By Escape the Fate. It sounded pretty good from the beginning.

"I see Social Wreckage is playing." Kyle said from behind me as I walked towards some couches near the back of the lounge.

I quickly turned around and faced him. "You knew didn't you." I glared at him.

"Maybe." He smirked and sat down, grabbing my hips as he sat so I sat down too. Blake came and sat beside me.

"Why didn't he tell me they were actually playing today?" I asked in a quiet voice, so other people could still listen to the music.

"I don't know, no shut up! I'm trying to listen." Kyle whispered harshly. To make his point even more, he covered my mouth with his hand. For the rest of the song, I sat there with Blake to my left watching and nodding his head to the beat, and Kyle on my right with his hand over my mouth.

When the song ended everyone clapped. I ripped kyles hand off my mouth and cheered loudly so Rage would noticed I was there. His eyes met mine I saw him smirk a little.

"Thanks guy. So the next song we are going to cover is 'Diary of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin."

I sang along quietly with Rage. He sounded amazing, and I really loved the song. Breaking Benjamin was up there on my list of favourite bands. Kyle heard me quietly singing along. I knew he heard. He kept looking at me and smiling his evil smile. Yup, I'm fucked. I thought as the song ended and he quickly got up from the couch and made his way towards Rage.

I saw him whisper the Rage who quickly turned and talked to Jade, then Shadow, then Lex. Each one of the nodded their head and looked at me.NO no no no no no. I knew what was happening next, and I didn't like it.

"Okay guys, so for our last song, we are going to have a special guest singer; My girlfriend Bree!" Rage yelled into the mic. There was a half hearted cheer from the crowd. Kyle quickly ran back to where I was and grabbed my hand and yanked me off the couch.

"Good luck! This is for the best. Trust me." he whispered, giving me a slight push. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the little stage area. Rage put his hand out and helped me get up the small step, even though I could have done it myself.

"What song?" I asked Rage.

"Darling by Eyes Set to Kill"

I smiled. "You guys know it?"

"Hells yes we do. I knew you like it, so come on let's get this show on the road." Rage looked at the rest of the band and nodded his head. Rage scared the first few lyrics perfectly, and everything just went up hill from there. I sang my parts pretty much perfectly. I knew the song inside and out. When the song finished, everyone watching was standing and clapping and cheering like crazy.

Thanks everyone! We'll be back next week." Jade said into the mic.

Everyone in the place got up and went to the little drink/food consession thing.

"That was fucking amazing!" I said with a huge grin on my face. I hadn't sang in front of people in so long. It felt good to do it again.

"Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Jade asked hitting my arm on her way past to put her guitar in her case.

"I don't know, I didn't think it was important." i shrugged helping put the stuff away.

"Well you were wrong my friend." Lex said. I didn't reply, I just helped them put all their stuff away. Once we were all done cleaning up and the other band was starting to set up, we all went and sat on the couches.

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