Jimin sits down in front of Yoongi and puts his hands together on top of the table.

"Share your story first?" 

"Well, I just fought for a friend" Yoongi takes a sip of his water. 

"Was your friend in trouble? Money issues?" 

"He was being bullied for being deaf" 

"Hmm, thats new, I haven't heard of that situation before, so you're the kind of guy that stands up for his friends, I think we are alike" Jimin says 

"I mean.. I don't know how to mix drinks like I'm assuming you do" Yoongi says and Jimin laughs 

"Maybe I'm cooler than you, but I also stand up from my friends and sometimes I get hurt due to it" Jimin's lips purse together. 

"You remembered seeing me in school, what do you remember?" Jimin asks 

"You were one of the guys everyone envied, all I remember is girls confessing to you a lot and everyone going up to you in the hallways" Yoongi admits 

"I looked great didn't I, well I wasn't just a pretty boy" 

Full of himself much, Yoongi thinks 

"Someone..A friend of mine, he got in some trouble, he owed money to some really scary dude. The guy went to punch him but I put myself in front, that day I got a bruise on my chest and a cut on my arm. I know how you might feel, or maybe I don't but I understand where you're coming from" 

"I just, I feel so bad for him, he's going through so much, and our mutual friend who should be helping him, isn't, at least from what I've seen the past few days" 

Jin walks over and places the food on the table. 

"I have a friend that goes to that school" Jin says looking at the symbol on Yoongi's uniform, "his name is Taehyung" 

Yoongi goes wide eyed. 

"You know Tae?" 

"Yeah and Jungkook, that kid is a piece of work" Jin mumbles. 

"He isn't, he's just been odd the past few days" 

Jimin goes wide eyed realizing these are the people Yoongi has been talking about. 

"You can go back now Jin" he says, his eyes focused on Jin's face almost desperate for him to leave. 

"His deaf friend, is your deaf friend" 

"I guess so" Yoongi says and he starts eating. "Small world" he says with his mouth full.

"Something I also learned from helping out my friends, is you can't always expect things to fall into place easily, but there are ways to...To solve things faster, whoever went and did that to you, press charges, get them moved to a different school or least a restraining order, one problem solved, that friend who is a piece of work, whenever he messes up make it a big deal so he learns" Jimin's face serious. He thinks of his past. 

"the case was never a case I mean, it ended with my friend saying it was self defense so I'm not in trouble, the guy that did it is suspended for a week" 

"Press charges" Jimin urges, "I know you most likely don't want to make this a big deal, but I bet they still hurt, having him moved will help your friend so it doesn't happen again"  Jimin didn't want to finish his story that he started about his friend owing money but he felt the need to. 

"Sorry I'm pushing this on you, we don't know each other well, but I just.. I want you to help your friend and yourself...My friend, the one that owed money, he never told anyone else and" Jimin takes a deep breath, "If he did..If I did, maybe he'd still be alive" 

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