He waited for Marcel to look his way , and when he did and their eyes locked , Louis waved his hand softly , gesturing him to come over .

Marcel walked over to him , "Hey , uhm . Need anything ?"

"Just - ... saw you have no one to have lunch with . Thought you'd want to sit with me , since , uh ... since I don't have anyone to have lunch with either ." Louis said awkwardly , mentally slapping himself for stuttering .

Marcel smiled softly and sat infont of him . "Nice of you . Very thoughtful ."

Louis offered him half a smile , "Didn't want you to be alone ."

Marcel smiled slightly wider as he took his lunch out , before trying to make a conversation . "How's today ? As a first day , I mean ."

"It's okay so far ." Louis said as he took a bite of his sandwitch .

Marcel nodded , "Good . Uhm , may I ask why did you move ? I mean , it's a month and a bit into the year already ." He looked up at Louis , frowning when he saw how tensed Louis is .

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable . Shouldn't have asked ." He apologized quickly , but Louis shook his head , "No , it's - it's okay . You don't know , so .. it's okay ."

"You don't have to tell me ."

"I , uh ... I was bullied , really badly ."

"Oh . I'm sorry ."

"Yeah . It didn't end very well , so my mum , sisters and step dad all packed up and left as soon as we could ."

"At least you're far away from the bullies ."

"Yeah . I really hope there aren't bullies here ."

"There aren't , people just ignore you if you're different ."

"I guess it's better , isn't it ?"

"Yeah ... kind of ."

They went silent as they kept eating , Louis looked up at Marcel and cleared his throat quietly . "Can I ask something ?"

Marcel looked up and nodded , "Go ahead ."

"Are you ... are you considered 'the nerd' of the school ?" Louis asked , blush covering his cheeks .

Marcel nodded , "Yeah , because of the way I dress and the straight A's . I don't care though ."

Louis nodded aswell , "Yeah . I understand ."

Soon enough lunch time was over and the two went back to their classes , before meeting again on the last lesson , History .

The teacher walked into the classroom , greeting the students . "For the next couple of weeks I want you guys to do a project in pairs - that I picked myself - about a topic I'm going to give you ."

The class whined a little but the teacher quickly shushed them and started reading out the pairs .

"Marcel Styles and Louis Tomlinson ."

The two turned their heads to each other , smiling a little .

At least it's someone I know , Louis said to himself . 

The lesson kept going , and at the end the pairs went to the teacher to get their chosen topic .

Louis and Marcel approached the teacher , she looked at her list . "Industrial Revolution ."

The two nodded and walked out of the classroom , Marcel sighed , "One of the most boring topics ."

"I find it kind of interesting , to be honest ." Louis said , Marcel half smiled , "Well then , guess you'll have to motivate me ."

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora