"Nice meeting you too , mate ." Zayn said with a smile and shook his hand , before elbowing Louis , "Always knew you leaned that way ."

"Shut up ." Louis pushed him playfully , glancing at Harry for a second to see his scowl deepening .

"Well if you wouldn't mind , I'm here for coffee ." Zayn said , Louis nodded , "Yeah , of course . I'll go fetch you a menu ."

Zayn nodded , both him and Harry watching him walking away . He turned to Harry , "So , you and Louis ... how long ?"

"Almost two years ." Harry said , "And you two , have you always been this close ?"

"Yeah , some thought we were dating , but I'm straight ." Zayn chuckled , "I mean , I would be gay for Louis , what's not to like about the cutie ."

"Hm ." Harry nodded , his eyebrows furrowed .

Louis came back with a menu and handed it to Zayn , "There you go , tell me when you picked something ."

Zayn nodded and thanked him , taking a seat at a table next to Harry's table .

Harry reached his hand out , taking Louis' hand , "Love ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Want to go out with me tonight ?"

Louis raised his eyebrow , "Really ?"

"Yeah , It's Saturday tomorrow anyways , you don't have work and I don't have classes ." Harry took his waist in his hands , "What do you say ?"

"Sounds good ." Louis smiled and ran his fingers through his hair , "Where are you taking me ?"

"Surprise ." Harry smiled , "I'll tell you when to be ready ."

"But you know I can't stand surprises ." Louis pouted .

"I know , but you'll have to deal with it ." Harry chuckled .

"You're lucky I love you ." Louis squeezed his cheeks with one hand , Harry smiled , "I love you too ."

"Uhm , Lou ?" Zayn said , Louis turned to him , "Yeah ?"

"I'm sorry to cut you two off , but .."

"Yes , I'm sorry ." Louis said and took Harry's hands off his waist , going to take Zayn's order .

After giving it to Dan , Dan said , "Harry is jealous ."

"What ?" Louis raised his eyebrows .

"Harry is really jealous at how you get along with Zayn ." Dan laughed , Louis shook his head , "I don't think so ."

"I watched from the side , I know how it is . He's extremely jealous ." Dan said and handed Louis Zayn's order , Louis put it on the tray and took it to Zayn's table .

"Thanks , Lou ." Zayn smiled , Louis smiled back and sat at the table with him , since there were no other customers .

"Haz , come sit with me ." Louis pulled out the chair next to him , Harry took his latte and moved to sit next to Louis , one hand holding the mug , the other resting on Louis' thigh under the table .

Louis started catching up with Zayn , taking note of Harry's grip on his thigh .

"I need to go now , promised my mum to be back ." Zayn looked at his watch before getting up , reaching fo rhis pocket .

"No no , you don't need to pay . It's on me ." Louis said and took his and Harry's empty mugs away , Zayn walked after him , "I insist on paying ."

"And I insist you don't ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Zayn raised his eyebrow , "Seriously ?"

"Do I look like I'm laughing ?" Louis raised his eyebrows , "I'm not letting you pay , you're my friend and your drink is on me ."

Zayn pouted a little before hugging him , "Thank you , it was great seeing you again ."

"You too ." Louis said and hugged him back , "Tell your family I said hi and I'll try making time this week to come visit them ."

"That would be lovely ." Zayn rubbed his back before pulling away , taking his phone out of his pocket , "Give me your number so we can stay in touch ."

Louis told him his number , and Zayn texted him so he could save his number aswell .

They hugged one last time before Zayn left , Louis turned to Harry , "I'll go get my things then we can go ."

Harry nodded , Louis went to get his phone and jacket , he said goodbye to Dan before taking Harry's hand and going out of the restaurant .

"Hazza ."

"Yeah ?"

"Were you jealous ?"

Harry was quiet for a few seconds . "No ."

Louis giggled , "Really ?"

"Yes ."

"I don't believe you ."

"Well then why did you ask ?" Harry unlocked the car , Louis laughed and leaned on it , "Were you really jealous of Zayn ?"

"No ."

"Haz , he's a friend I haven't seen in forever ."

"I know ."

"Then why are you jealous ?"

"Because he told me he'd be gay for you ."

Louis threw his head back laughing , "He did ? Oh my god , he's such an idiot ."

"Yeah . Idiot ." Harry reached for the doorhandle but Louis took his hand , pulling him closer , "Haz , I'm yours . Okay ?"

"I know ."

"Then stop being jealous ?"

"No ."

"Then you are jealous !" Louis called happily , giggling a little . He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck the best he could with being so short , kissing his lips , "Hazzaaaa , drop the act ."

Harry put his arms around his waist , "Tell me you're mine ."

"I'm all yours , Hazza ." Louis giggled and kissed his cheek , "Cheer up already , I said I'm yours like a million times already ."

"It was three times ."

Louis laughed and leaned his forehead on his chest before looking up at him , "Hazza , I'm yours and I love you and only you ."

Harry leaned down and kissed him , "Always remember that ."


Hope you liked it x


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