The Stranger

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Elira woke with a pounding head. She tried to rub it, only to find that her hands had been shackled above her head. Her wrists stung and Elira guessed they were cut but as the room was dark she couldn't actually see anything. Judging by the feel of the walls and ground she guessed that she was being held underground. The memories of what had happened before swam through her head and terror flooded through her body.

She was chained up, defenceless, alone, in the dark and was going to be eaten by ogres. Was this really how it was going to end? She looked around desperately for a way out. She tugged on the chains but it was no use.

She heard something struggle to her left, "Hello?" she called out, not knowing whether she wanted to hear a reply. The noise stopped and a voice exclaimed, "Is someone there? Where are we?" It was a young, male voice that sounded just as scared as Elira, "Yes. I think we're in the ogre's cave." Elira replied.

She heard the clack of the chains and the boy cried out, "Let us go you filthy trolls!"

"Shut up," Elira hissed at him, "Angering them probably isn't the best thing to do unless you want lunch to come early." She heard another clang of the chains and a grunt. "Well what would you suggest we do then? This is your fault. I would've gotten away if you hadn't surprised me. All you humans do is cause trouble and now we'll both be eaten."

"My fault?! I tried to help- oh forget it! We need to try and find a way out of here or else we're ogre chow." she was attempting to sound calmer than she actually was but in actual fact she was terrified, she could feel her hands shaking even if she didn't want to acknowledge it.

Suddenly the sound of a door opening crept across the room from the other side and light from lit torches spilt onto the floor, illuminating their surroundings. They appeared to be in some kind of cave. The chains holding them, old and rusty and blood caked Elira's wrists. Her shoes must have fallen off when they were brought there as her feet were now bare. The elf boy was chained up further down from her and looked just as dishevelled.

A figure stood in the doorway. They were short and stubby with armour on. The helmet they wore had two horns on either side and a dagger was strung round their waist on a leather belt. Ogre's were known to be burly and carry large weapons so clearly this was something else, but Elira couldn't guess what.

"Which one was makin' that racket eh?" it asked. Their voice was rough and nasal but distinctly female. Neither of them said a word. "Well if ya no gunna fess up I'll just 'ave to take a guess." she sneered, eyeing the two of them.

Elira could now see her face more clearly and she looked more human than ogre. She had messy braided red hair that came down to her waist, a flattened nose, a chipped tooth and rat like, mud brown eyes.

A sickening grin grew on her face as she looked at Elira, "'avent cooked a human in a while. I wonder how long you'll take ta cook?" she walked over to Elira and unlocked the chains,"Don't get any ideas." she grumbled but before she could react, Elira grabbed the dagger from her belt and pointed it at her.

A look of shock crossed her face for a split second before anger replaced it, "I warn'd ya but ye 'ad ta go and get all tough. Well in that case," she cracked her knuckles, "Bring it spring chicken. I bet ya've never so much as killed a sparrow." she jeered, a menacing look in her eyes.

She was right though. The dagger was quivering in her hands, as if it would drop any second. "What are you waiting for?!" the boy yelled, "Stab her! Hurry!"

The woman gave a cruel laugh and turned to him. "Shut it brat. I thought elves were s'posed ta be sma't an' you're got caught by two of the dumbest ogres I know.?" she faced Elira again, "Now, 'ow 'bout you quit tryin' ta be brave and come wif me 'fore the huntin' party comes back."

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