A Wandering Knight

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Elira turned over in the bed and faced the wall. Zemis had attached a hammock near the front of the vargo and Helvion and Elira had taken the bed. At first Elira thought it would be weird but since there was no where else to sleep they couldn't really avoid it. They had arranged it so that Helvion would lie with his head on the pillow and Elira would lie with her head at the other end. They both found this better.

Elira had been awake for some time and since there was no clock she had no idea how late it was. What Zemis had said to her back when the rain had first began to pour was still echoing in her mind, "Perhaps over these days of travelling, I could teach you it."

Her, have magic? It might be only one spell, and a weak one at that, but still. She hadn't given him an answer, partly because it hadn't exactly been a question and partly because she wouldn't have known how to answer if it had been.

After he said that comment, the rain had gotten heavier and Elira had asked him, "Hey, um, what time is it?" and to her shock he had revealed to her that it was late in the afternoon. After the ogres had knocked them out they must have been asleep for some time.

They had left the Equrra and gone inside to find Helvion asleep. Zemis had taken a blanket from under the bed and fashioned it into a hammock. For dinner Zemis had taken some bread from beneath the stove and they had split it. They didn't talk much but it was a comfortable silence rather than an awkward one. Though Elira had asked him one thing, "Are we safe, you know, in this thing?" she just wanted to be sure before going to sleep.

He had replied with a reassuring, "Yes. We are quite safe." and that was the last thing he said to her that night.

She sat up in the bed. It was no use, she couldn't sleep. She had never slept away from home before and she missed it. She missed her bed, she missed her blanket and, most of all, she missed Hiedie and Maybel.

She could only imagine how worried Hiedie was. They were always looking out for each other, since they were little girls. Elira remembered how when Hiedie was seven and she was six Maybel would take them into the forest and they would make daisy chains together. Hiedie's would always be better but she would let Elira have them. It was a small gesture but it meant the world to Elira back then. 

She wished she could go back to those days. Even though Hiedie and her never went into the forest together and Elira liked being alone, she missed her best friend. No matter what, the girls had always been able to go to each other but now they were apart and Elira wasn't sure how to deal with it.

She ducked under Zemis' hammock and opened the door. She sat down on the steps and rested her head in her hands, "I'm scared Hiedie. I know I always said that I wanted to travel but I thought... I thought..." tears began to stream down her face, "I thought I would be ready but I'm not. I can't defend myself, I can't fight or use magic and I'm scared. Do you remember how Maybel would always tell us stories with the heroes? They were never scared were they? They were always brave and faced anything that came their way." She looked up to the sky.

It was a clear night and the stars shone brightly in the pitch black sky. "You always said I was ten times braver than you but I wonder what you would be doing if you were in my place. I just wish I could stand on my own two feet and find my way back to you and Maybel on my own. I love you and I Iove Maybel. If I could only defend myself I wouldn't have gotten captured and none of this would have happened." She was crying now, not sobbing or wailing but letting tears fall from her eyes, in silent despair.

"Perhaps there is a way you can defend yourself." Elira turned round to see Zemis standing in the doorway, "I mentioned earlier that I could perhaps teach you a shield spell, that's a good place to start." He looked at her tear stained face with sympathy and sat next to her, "Crying won't help." She gave him a weak smile, "Yeah I know, but crying once in a while is better than being completely emotionless right?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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